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Posts: 3,784
Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Tria blue light *IS* clearing up clogged pores! Or............

else it is the serum that comes with it. ALL of my pores are clear after about 3 weeks of using it. I'm amazed. Nothing, and I mean nothing has ever cleared them up.

I also had bumps under the skin on my jawline that are gone.

I could not go without using Proactive or else I'd get a zit. I have not used Proactive once and my face is clear!

I had gotten one of those huring zits/cysts behind my ear in the crease. I don't know if you know what I'm talking about, but they hurt and last for days. I used it behind my ear and it was totally gone in 3 days! It never came to a head, it just went away quietly!

Anyone else have great reviews?