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MarenSeattle- please never make assumptions about what I post. I wish you would never address me or my posts again- you have already been quite 'expressive' in what you think about me. And you know what I really don't care. But what I regret most is that I ever alerted you to the fact that this would be a TSV because all it did was feed your obsession in your quest for the 'fountain of youth' that doesn't exist. Even Ponce de Leon traveled to the New World in search of it, but guess what- he didn't find it. I was just trying to save the OP at the time some money but I didn't realize that would lead to two months of your non-stop compulsion about this new Tria device. Never again...

Super Contributor
Posts: 271
Registered: ‎04-21-2014
On 5/5/2014 MarenSeattle said:
On 5/5/2014 krissie622 said:
On 5/5/2014 lyn in MI said:
On 5/5/2014 krissie622 said:

There are several of us who do a second round on neck/chest/hands, and <b>nowhere in the instructions does it say to only do your face and then not use the device for 24 hours.</b> If that were the case, then Tria would have made it like the Palovia where it would not turn back on until enough time had elapsed.<br /> <br /> <b>...CUT...</b>

I think Tria might disagree with that assertion. Their instruction manual includes the following Warnings:
• Do not treat a zone on your face more than once per day (once every 24 hours). Doing this could result in increased risk of skin irritation.
• After treatment is completed and the device automatically turns off, wait at least 24 hours to begin a new treatment session. Failure to do so may increase skin irritation.

And they state this in Precautions
• Do not use the device on any area of the body other than the face. Using the device on other areas of the body has not been tested and the risks are unknown.
Pardon me, you are correct and I did not express myself clearly. If by abuse it was meant that someone shouldn't use the unit more than once in 24 hours, the instructions do not say it cannot be turned on more than once in 24 hours. They DO say not to treat the same area twice in 24 hours, but that is not what was being done. My understanding was that it was implied that by turning the device on more than once in 24 hours, it was in some way abusing the device, which is not the case. As far as using it for off label areas, from what I have read this has been done by many users since the device first came to market. Tria does list their precaution as it has not been tested and approved for such use, however, I don't consider this abuse. I'm sure many may disagree. Either way, the abuse comment as I understood it and that I was addressing was that the unit shouldn't be turned on more than once in 24 hours. If I misunderstood, then that's on me.

The rep did say you your husband (or whoever) could use it, too, but that would ultimately eat into your charge "allotment". From that, I have to assume you can fire it up more than 1 x 24 hours, just not treat the same area (because of the snip that Lyn provided). It was my interpretation of untitle's posts that she feels using it more than once during a 24 hour period is "abuse". Confusing, huh?

And I'm of the belief that any company is restrained from saying anything is okay beyond the parameters of the FDA clearance. And I always think that's a cost/time consideration. Let's get it cleared for X, get it out in the market as quickly and as cost effectively as possible.

Professional lasers have been used all over the body. Just sayin'. And I believe most of us are intelligent enough to realize if we're doing something that we probably shouldn't -- nobody's going to keep treating an area that has reacted negatively.

Just my opinion -- I'm certainly not as cautious as Lyn, but always so grateful for her reining me back in at times and giving me food for thought. Then I either proceed or don't, so as always, ultimately up to me. And you.Smile

Thank you, Maren. From your response it appears that I made myself clear to at least you.

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Posts: 271
Registered: ‎04-21-2014
On 5/5/2014 untitled said:

MarenSeattle- please never make assumptions about what I post. I wish you would never address me or my posts again- you have already been quite 'expressive' in what you think about me. And you know what I really don't care. But what I regret most is that I ever alerted you to the fact that this would be a TSV because all it did was feed your obsession in your quest for the 'fountain of youth' that doesn't exist. Even Ponce de Leon traveled to the New World in search of it, but guess what- he didn't find it. I was just trying to save the OP at the time some money but I didn't realize that would lead to two months of your non-stop compulsion about this new Tria device. Never again...


Valued Contributor
Posts: 702
Registered: ‎08-28-2013
On 5/5/2014 untitled said:

MarenSeattle- please never make assumptions about what I post. I wish you would never address me or my posts again- you have already been quite 'expressive' in what you think about me. And you know what I really don't care. But what I regret most is that I ever alerted you to the fact that this would be a TSV because all it did was feed your obsession in your quest for the 'fountain of youth' that doesn't exist. Even Ponce de Leon traveled to the New World in search of it, but guess what- he didn't find it. I was just trying to save the OP at the time some money but I didn't realize that would lead to two months of your non-stop compulsion about this new Tria device. Never again...

Wow!!.Just Wow!.....Just amazes me the nasty ones that have come on the TRia threads.I guess they are everywhere.There is ABSOLUTELY NO reason for anyone to get bossy,snotty and condescending as you and a couple others have done on the Tria threads!.How do you live with yourselves?

BTW Krissie i knew what you meant to.

I called Tria and was told our units are shutting off before 2.5 min because we must have made contact threw the whole session and we got enough of the laser beams.She said that is a Good thing!..She said if we loose contact then it will go longer..I only loose contact around my upper lip so i guess it could be true?..She also told me there is a extended warranty you can buy if you got your Tria from them...65.00 for another yr..She is checking to see if i can buy one..Hope i can..It will give me more peace of mind..So far i have not heard back from them..I never heard from them regarding if we can get capillaries from Tria use.I really dont want to return my Tria and my DH wants me to keep it to..He said last night what ever you are doing keep doing,your face is looking good!..Some of that could be the Facial Flex.

Lyn what type of Laser did you have used on your capillaries?..I heard of a forum with horror stories of people getting damaged from the different treatments so now i am scared to get it done..I need a big area not just one or 2..

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Posts: 271
Registered: ‎04-21-2014
On 5/5/2014 MidNight said:
On 5/5/2014 untitled said:

MarenSeattle- please never make assumptions about what I post. I wish you would never address me or my posts again- you have already been quite 'expressive' in what you think about me. And you know what I really don't care. But what I regret most is that I ever alerted you to the fact that this would be a TSV because all it did was feed your obsession in your quest for the 'fountain of youth' that doesn't exist. Even Ponce de Leon traveled to the New World in search of it, but guess what- he didn't find it. I was just trying to save the OP at the time some money but I didn't realize that would lead to two months of your non-stop compulsion about this new Tria device. Never again...

Wow!!.Just Wow!.....Just amazes me the nasty ones that have come on the TRia threads.I guess they are everywhere.There is ABSOLUTELY NO reason for anyone to get bossy,snotty and condescending as you and a couple others have done on the Tria threads!.How do you live with yourselves?

BTW Krissie i knew what you meant to.

I called Tria and was told our units are shutting off before 2.5 min because we must have made contact threw the whole session and we got enough of the laser beams.She said that is a Good thing!..She said if we loose contact then it will go longer..I only loose contact around my upper lip so i guess it could be true?..She also told me there is a extended warranty you can buy if you got your Tria from them...65.00 for another yr..She is checking to see if i can buy one..Hope i can..It will give me more peace of mind..So far i have not heard back from them..I never heard from them regarding if we can get capillaries from Tria use.I really dont want to return my Tria and my DH wants me to keep it to..He said last night what ever you are doing keep doing,your face is looking good!..Some of that could be the Facial Flex.

Lyn what type of Laser did you have used on your capillaries?..I heard of a forum with horror stories of people getting damaged from the different treatments so now i am scared to get it done..I need a big area not just one or 2..

Thank you, Midnight, glad I made sense. These Tria threads have been so friendly and helpful that the occasional nastiness catches me off guard.

Please, when you find out more for Tria about that extended warranty, let us know. I would be very interested in that. Also great that your DH is noticing {#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 14
Registered: ‎04-27-2014
Well thank you KRISSIE for your help. I really appreciate that. I guess others have nothing to say. I tried to join the conversation and answered questions from Lyn about serial # and such but Got no response. Thanks. Ill check the other thread but I see no reason to post here again.
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Posts: 271
Registered: ‎04-21-2014
On 5/5/2014 pardon said: Well thank you KRISSIE for your help. I really appreciate that. I guess others have nothing to say. I tried to join the conversation and answered questions from Lyn about serial # and such but Got no response. Thanks. Ill check the other thread but I see no reason to post here again.

You are very welcome and please feel free to ask any other questions. I will try to keep up with what's on which thread. Smiley Happy

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Posts: 3,614
Registered: ‎09-01-2010

Update on the problem with my Tria. Last night after around 2 hours the lights on the sides of my unit finally went off. Luckily this happened before I went to bed so I placed it in the charger. Tonight when I removed it from the charger to start my treatment the blue battery light came on but I decided to do my regular treatments as I have done in nights past and was able to complete everything.

Lyn, the Tria I received from QVC didn't work from day 1, I activated it and heard the song but nothing happened when I turned it on and placed it on my skin. I don't remember if I called Tria's Customer Service on the evening I received it or if it was the next day, but the device I received didn't ever work. I also received a DVD which no one else did and I find that strange too. Anyway, I had no idea Tria's warranty stated that they could send a refurbished device at their discretion, I wouldn't have sent it to them if I had known, I would have returned it to QVC and still might especially if I have another problem. I wonder if refurbished units still have the same use life span that new units have. I purchased a new Tria not a refurbished one and I fear that based on the serial number of the device I received from them it was refurbished.

krissie622, thanks for sharing that you and others do a second round too. It is my understanding that this is OK as long as we don't treat the same area twice in 24 hours.

MarenSeattle - thanks for the support and encouragement that you offer everyone struggling with Tria issues. I have learned so much from what others have posted which has help me prepare for things as they arose.

I'll post updates to the current weeks' thread in the future even though I feel a day late and a dollar short because I'm a week behind everyone...

Quarrels end, but words once spoken never die... African Proverb
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Posts: 4,655
Registered: ‎10-19-2013
On 5/5/2014 Tennessee Vol said:

Update on the problem with my Tria. Last night after around 2 hours the lights on the sides of my unit finally went off. Luckily this happened before I went to bed so I placed it in the charger. Tonight when I removed it from the charger to start my treatment the blue battery light came on but I decided to do my regular treatments as I have done in nights past and was able to complete everything.

Lyn, the Tria I received from QVC didn't work from day 1, I activated it and heard the song but nothing happened when I turned it on and placed it on my skin. I don't remember if I called Tria's Customer Service on the evening I received it or if it was the next day, but the device I received didn't ever work. I also received a DVD which no one else did and I find that strange too. Anyway, I had no idea Tria's warranty stated that they could send a refurbished device at their discretion, I wouldn't have sent it to them if I had known, I would have returned it to QVC and still might especially if I have another problem. I wonder if refurbished units still have the same use life span that new units have. I purchased a new Tria not a refurbished one and I fear that based on the serial number of the device I received from them it was refurbished.

krissie622, thanks for sharing that you and others do a second round too. It is my understanding that this is OK as long as we don't treat the same area twice in 24 hours.

MarenSeattle - thanks for the support and encouragement that you offer everyone struggling with Tria issues. I have learned so much from what others have posted which has help me prepare for things as they arose.

I'll post updates to the current weeks' thread in the future even though I feel a day late and a dollar short because I'm a week behind everyone...

TV, I know the DVD came with the Canadian units -- not with the American (or at least not those of us posting here), so it really does seem as though you got one of the earlier units.

My charge/battery light were always wonky. It worked, but took HOURS (like 12) to recharge. The light stayed on during treatment, too, I think (actually I'm not sure if it does now -- somebody will clear it up and if not, I'll pay attention tomorrow).

Since I had trouble activating I called Tria on the day it arrived, and they said I might be having trouble with the charger (Might? Yeah, me and everybody else on the planet!) and that they'd send me out a new one. They didn't even send it until a week later, and it didn't arrive until about 13 days later. But my Tria kept working, kept taking forever to charge. Toward the end, it was still blinking when I'd do my treatment the next night, but it worked. UNTIL the night I received my new charger. It totally died -- but right toward the end of the session. I was able to use the new charger that night and it's been fine ever since.

Boy, I probably didn't need to go through all that, but what I'm getting at is that I wonder, with your battery light still on, you may be heading toward a premature death, too.

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Registered: ‎10-19-2013
On 5/5/2014 judi said:

I, too, am on Week Four. My first Tria was replaced by the company the first week I used it. They decided the complete unit was defective, not just the charger. The only problem I am having with this second unit is that it will not shut off on its own after 10 minutes. I use a timer to know when to power off.

My Tria also keeps getting hotter the longer I use it. My skin is red after use, but I am not experiencing sandpaper skin like some have. I hope this doesn't mean my Tria is weaker than it should be, and my results won't be as good. Guess I will just have to wait and see.

judi, I don't want to be an alarmist, but those whose units got progressively -- and noticeable -- hotter who contacted Tria were told to return their units for a replacement.

And if your timer isn't working, I wonder if you got one of the now infamous "refurbished" ones?

Please call Tria and let them know of your current problems - I think you deserve something better!

Please let us know!