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Re: Treating and covering blemishes and other boo-boos -- need help!!!

Another vote for BE bisque!!! I have acne on my cheeks often. The only thing that I have found to cover the redness is Bare Minerals Bisque. I use the summer bisque color. It really covers the redness. You can experiment on how to apply that works best for you. I just dot it with a small brush over the red pimples and/or hyperpigmentation. I have not found a liquid type concealer that works as well a BE Bisque.

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Re: Treating and covering blemishes and other boo-boos -- need help!!!

If you have an irritated blemish try covering it with a small circle bandaid (and neosporin or something similar) overnight while you sleep. Sometimes this works really well for me even though I don't look too cute with a bandaid on my face.

I also like BE summer bisque. Elf sells a tiny concealer brush for a dollar that is very effective for covering blemishes, it's just a great size.

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Re: Treating and covering blemishes and other boo-boos -- need help!!!

AngelPuppy1, I don't have rosacea but I do have Psoriasis, which can be red & painful. I find Bare Minerals blemish therapy or Bare Minerals blemish remedy foundation, not only take the red away, but they soothe the area too. Bare Minerals bisque concealor works similar on me, but the color isn't as good a match as the blemish ones. I think any of the Bare Minerals items (original foundation included), will help cover & soothe your rosacea.

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Re: Treating and covering blemishes and other boo-boos -- need help!!!

The ingredients that are added to treat acne may be very irritating for rosacea, like salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, sulphur, and tea tree. If you can tolerate them fine. I have issues with lauroyl lysine and for some reason it's in Bisque, most of Laura Geller's stuff, and even some of IT's products.

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Re: Treating and covering blemishes and other boo-boos -- need help!!!

Another vote for Bare Minerals Bisque! I believe today is the last day that QVC is offering it in the supersize. Great deal and it lasts a LONG time.

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Re: Treating and covering blemishes and other boo-boos -- need help!!!

Add my vote for BE Summer Bisque! Whenever I try something else I end up using Bisque on top of it. Bisque has worked best for me for years.

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Re: Treating and covering blemishes and other boo-boos -- need help!!!

Thank you so much! I see that this BE Bisque seems to be one that many here really like! I will check into it and the other suggestions! I am feeling so horribly ugly right now!!! It's not bad enough that I'm still under the weather, but I have to walk around with these horrible red spots and blemishes!!! It really stinks!! Thank you again -- I'm very appreciative!!!!

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin