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The problem is that it looks like a wig......

on everyone.

It just screams low quality

MaryBeth came closest to looking natural, maybe be cause it was had dark roots. She also managed to get some of that super fake sheen off of it.

A wig would be fun but I can barely wear a scrunchie all day without getting a headache.

I would not want something that is that obvious.

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Re: The problem is that it looks like a wig......

Its admirable how the hosts put on a happy exciting face while wearing the wigs.

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Re: The problem is that it looks like a wig......

It does look like a wig. I clicked on the homepage this morning to get to Lunchtime Specials, and saw the photos of models for the TSV. Without knowing in advance, or reading the description, I immediately said to myself, "Oh, the TSV is a wig, then".

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Re: The problem is that it looks like a wig......

Yes. I think that each host presenting THIS tsv can all use the same adjective - obvious.

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Re: The problem is that it looks like a wig......

I sometimes see some ladies wearing wigs when I am out and about. It does not look natural. The sheen and I guess the part, gives it away. It looks like a wig from the shopping channels. But it may be better than what nature has given them, so if they like it that's what counts.

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Re: The problem is that it looks like a wig......

I agree, to some extent ALL wigs look unnatural, but regardless they looked like fun.... Smile

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Re: The problem is that it looks like a wig......

I felt Racheal Bosing looked terrible in that wig!! I couldn't believe it was her. She is so attractive with her short dark hair and those black glasses she wears. Classy This wig made her look goofy. It was the bob or longer one. Just awful on the poor woman. Racheal really took one for the team!

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Re: The problem is that it looks like a wig......

Was this the same one Antonella wore today? I thought that was just awful, and yes, shiny and synthetic looking. There are some wonderful wigs out there, probably the best are human hair. I have seen some that are synthetic but very well done.

It's the 'part' in these wigs that look so tell-tale and ill constructed---too thick and no 'scalp' effect showing through.

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Re: The problem is that it looks like a wig......

On 3/30/2015 Q4U said:

I agree, to some extent ALL wigs look unnatural, but regardless they looked like fun.... Smile


All bad wigs look unnatural, I have seen some hair that is stunning and beautifully styled an then you find out it's a wigg.

A nice wig would be fun but don't want that unnatural look, the one I would buy would have to look realistic.

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎11-24-2011

Re: The problem is that it looks like a wig......

Okay, y'all convinced me. I just cancelled my order. Seriously I did.