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On 6/22/2014 Yuban3 said:
On 6/22/2014 beautty said:
On 6/22/2014 Yuban3 said:
On 6/21/2014 beautty said: A gross image still burned in my brain --- fake-casual/kookie Shawn on couch at start of TNB with skirt pulled up over her knees and one bare leg bent up so she could (guess what?). SHOW US HER CALLOUSES THEN START SHAVING THEM OFF!! Close up was way too much for my big screen HD TV so I was in shock but watched to see how low it would go QVC actually let her demo as if we'd joined her in her bathroom!! No thanks and I didn't care about the product after that display. Is Q the channel that has very high "prudish" standards regarding slang or swearing or s*x talk? Makes no sense. The PooPourri has to go. I hear references to "standards" especially when Mally is on a roll (haha) so where are the boundaries?

This is 2014, not 1814. The days of verecundity are long gone (thank goodness!). I prefer to live in this era, and not in an era where women couldn't even show a bare ankle.

I think you are living in the wrong century if you expect no one to show bare feet, or to see someone cleaning up after their dog (don't look if it "grosses" you out!)

Thanks for you ?words of wisdom which I won't take personally but I'd love to know the definition of the odd word "verecundity". Sounds like a 19th Century word a stern preacher might shout from his pulpit! I like the sound -- if you made it up Kudos! It's kinda s*xy! No more time for this chatting today --- I'm catching up on True Blood to prepare for Season (final) 7. :~€ . Continue offering your favorite Q gross outs y'all !!!



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Registered: ‎04-10-2011
On 6/22/2014 champagnepoodle said:
On 6/22/2014 Yuban3 said:
On 6/22/2014 beautty said:
On 6/22/2014 Yuban3 said:
On 6/21/2014 beautty said: A gross image still burned in my brain --- fake-casual/kookie Shawn on couch at start of TNB with skirt pulled up over her knees and one bare leg bent up so she could (guess what?). SHOW US HER CALLOUSES THEN START SHAVING THEM OFF!! Close up was way too much for my big screen HD TV so I was in shock but watched to see how low it would go QVC actually let her demo as if we'd joined her in her bathroom!! No thanks and I didn't care about the product after that display. Is Q the channel that has very high "prudish" standards regarding slang or swearing or s*x talk? Makes no sense. The PooPourri has to go. I hear references to "standards" especially when Mally is on a roll (haha) so where are the boundaries?

This is 2014, not 1814. The days of verecundity are long gone (thank goodness!). I prefer to live in this era, and not in an era where women couldn't even show a bare ankle.

I think you are living in the wrong century if you expect no one to show bare feet, or to see someone cleaning up after their dog (don't look if it "grosses" you out!)

Thanks for you ?words of wisdom which I won't take personally but I'd love to know the definition of the odd word "verecundity". Sounds like a 19th Century word a stern preacher might shout from his pulpit! I like the sound -- if you made it up Kudos! It's kinda s*xy! No more time for this chatting today --- I'm catching up on True Blood to prepare for Season (final) 7. :~€ . Continue offering your favorite Q gross outs y'all !!!



Ha! "shy & modest" Totally inapplicable to me (if you only knew!) but I see that word is considered "obsolete". On the other hand it's a great term to describe what I'd prefer to see more of while watching the Q. MODESTY. TASTEFULNESS. I'm wanting only simple & clear information on products I might want to buy -- NOT wanting a sudden visual of graphic & "skeevy" (great word!) personal hygiene practices -- Am I clear now? I'm studying Advertising and this thread gives me valuable feedback. I'm not interested in personal put downs or debates.
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Posts: 1,433
Registered: ‎03-10-2010
On 6/22/2014 beautty said:
On 6/22/2014 champagnepoodle said:
On 6/22/2014 Yuban3 said:
On 6/22/2014 beautty said:
On 6/22/2014 Yuban3 said:
On 6/21/2014 beautty said: A gross image still burned in my brain --- fake-casual/kookie Shawn on couch at start of TNB with skirt pulled up over her knees and one bare leg bent up so she could (guess what?). SHOW US HER CALLOUSES THEN START SHAVING THEM OFF!! Close up was way too much for my big screen HD TV so I was in shock but watched to see how low it would go QVC actually let her demo as if we'd joined her in her bathroom!! No thanks and I didn't care about the product after that display. Is Q the channel that has very high "prudish" standards regarding slang or swearing or s*x talk? Makes no sense. The PooPourri has to go. I hear references to "standards" especially when Mally is on a roll (haha) so where are the boundaries?

This is 2014, not 1814. The days of verecundity are long gone (thank goodness!). I prefer to live in this era, and not in an era where women couldn't even show a bare ankle.

I think you are living in the wrong century if you expect no one to show bare feet, or to see someone cleaning up after their dog (don't look if it "grosses" you out!)

Thanks for you ?words of wisdom which I won't take personally but I'd love to know the definition of the odd word "verecundity". Sounds like a 19th Century word a stern preacher might shout from his pulpit! I like the sound -- if you made it up Kudos! It's kinda s*xy! No more time for this chatting today --- I'm catching up on True Blood to prepare for Season (final) 7. :~€ . Continue offering your favorite Q gross outs y'all !!!



Ha! "shy & modest" Totally inapplicable to me (if you only knew!) but I see that word is considered "obsolete". On the other hand it's a great term to describe what I'd prefer to see more of while watching the Q. MODESTY. TASTEFULNESS. I'm wanting only simple & clear information on products I might want to buy -- NOT wanting a sudden visual of graphic & "skeevy" (great word!) personal hygiene practices -- Am I clear now? I'm studying Advertising and this thread gives me valuable feedback. I'm not interested in personal put downs or debates.

If you are studying advertising, then you know that nothing sells a product better than for customers to see it in live action.

Remember the old saying, "Sell the sizzle, not the steak".

Was Yuban, then changed to Plaid Pants due to forum upgrade, and apparently, I'm back to being Yuban.
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Aside from some of the Enjoi product demos, that vendor rep sets my teeth on edge... Strikes me as the phoniest of the phony... The height of it was her suggesting last Christmas season that the heel scraper makes a perfect hostess gift... I kid you not.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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On 6/22/2014 stevieb said:

Aside from some of the Enjoi product demos, that vendor rep sets my teeth on edge... Strikes me as the phoniest of the phony... The height of it was her suggesting last Christmas season that the heel scraper makes a perfect hostess gift... I kid you not.

Well, she ain't invited to my house! LOL!

Seriously, I have the Emjoi and love it, but I always wonder how the vender manages to develop enough calloused skin to shear off for each show. She must be raw by the end!

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Registered: ‎03-22-2010

I never would have ordered my Emjoi had I not seen the demonstrations. It's just flaking dead skin. It doesn't affect me any worse than seeing nail clippings. I think that some people must really have issues with feet. The Emjoi is a great tool!

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The first time I saw Emjoi, DH and I were at a hotel (for a weekend getaway). I turned on Q because Celine Dion's CD was on (we both like her). In the next show, Jacque was demonstrating with the vendor. DH was fascinated with the device and I told him I could order it for him. He said he prefers using scissors. {#emotions_dlg.scared} I don't have any callouses; I use foot cream weekly and put on those fuzzy sox overnight so my feet are soft. Occasionally I use a Dr. Scholls pumice stone on my heels if I need to. I don't think I could use the Emjoi if I had too - it reminds me of an apple peeler. {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

OTOH, several days ago they demonstrated that PMD on models faces. OUCH! To me, bleeding should NOT be part of exfoliating! I'll stick to a Buff Puff, much more gentle and effective. {#emotions_dlg.w00t}

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On 6/21/2014 icezeus said:

Good lord some of you woman really do need a fainting couch. No it does not bother me. Perhaps I am not paying as much attention to the demos as some of you obviously have.

On a bright note. I have this little machine and I love it.

Right? It makes me picture of Blanche DuBois fanning herself rapidly and rolling her eyes.

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I don't buy "sizzle" -- but then neither do I buy steak. Old sayings aren't relevant to my study. Clearly we all have our Individual & unique "buttons" which vendors will do almost anything to separate us from our money and time. When does the sizzle become so hot that it burns, thus we back away? I did buy a Nutribullet after watching the demo which was helpful & informative. There's no black & white here so I'm still curious about demos which backfire by TMI or subjective "gross" factor. If a live demo is just slightly repulsive or ridiculous do you still buy product?
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Makes me wanna sprinkle parmesan cheese on my pizza.