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Is anyone else totally grossed out by the Emjoi and dermabrasion demos??? They seem to be decent products but watching the skin bits fall from bare heels (& for 20 minutes!) turns my stomach. Why such gross close ups of the woman's red peeling skin as she tortures it with that PDM tool? What next? Oh yeah --- armpit laser hair removal and bad teeth "before" one of the lightening products. Any more??? Lots of fast forwarding on DVR and no desire for product no matter what. And don't show me someone plucking their chin hairs!!!! Blecchhh !! Just tell me & don't hurt my eyes!
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It doesn't bother me, it's real life and some people need these products. In general, people like to see how something works before spending their money on it, whether it's sanding down the dry skin on someone's heel or doing makeup application. The on-air demo's have probably played a big part in some of these items becoming top sellers. It's a good thing you're in control of what you allow your eyes see and you can always fast forward your recording, walk away, or change the channel.

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They don't bother me either as they do give viewers a good idea of how they work and what to expect once they try them. It's all a part of everyday life and neither of these are offense to me. And what is wrong with before and after of tooth whiteners? They show them all the time in commercials.

Just keep on fast forwarding

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It's purely subjective with me. Certain visuals just gross me out like seeing neighbors dogs poop then owner picking it up. There's a long list but I just thought the on-air demos were excessively drawn out & close up. I'll have QVC on in background then look at screen shot of close up foot callouses (often while I'm eating!!! ) & lose my appetite. Must be my DNA!!
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How do you conceal your falling skin bits? If it works for my appetite control, I'll plan to watch a show or two.
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and it is not good to keep using the product that long on the skin in the same place must be very sensitive after the demo

I have one and think it's great. Understand the reason for the live demo but there could be a nice way

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Doesn't bother me as that's the best way to show how good it is. I wouldn't have bought the Emjoi had I not seen the great demo on how it really does work. It would be an ineffective presentation without it.

If it turns your stomach no one is making you watch. I wouldn't want someone just telling me these things work as it would not be believable without showing it. How do you keep your feet looking good or your armpits free of hair if removing dead skin and callouses, removing armpit hair or chin hairs if it's so disgusting? You can't ignore these things. Seeing horrible looking heels and feet, armpit hair or chin hair on anyone out in public is way more gross!!

So many things seem to gross OP out - makes me wonder how she gets through life.

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The first time I saw this on TV it made me kind of nauseated and yes I think it is beyond gross!!!
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I thought it was just me! I do change channels when they're sanding their feet. However, Emjoi is a great tool.

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OMGosh! It's not open heart surgery! It's just dry flakes of skin! lol...