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I don't buy a lot of eyeshadow pallets since there are so many I won't use.  I finally found one that I THINK I'll use.  The outside of the pallet is so pretty, it deserved it's own photo Smiley Happy  Also bought the Tarte Shape Tape but it's probably too dark.





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Re: Too Faced Pallet Purchase

someone posted about that palette awhile back and I thought that case was soooo pretty! If TF was still cruelty free I probably would have bought it even though a few of those shades with red undertones would not work for me.

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Re: Too Faced Pallet Purchase

Would love a matte collection those colors!

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Re: Too Faced Pallet Purchase

What I do if a color is too shimmery (I still like a little shimmer) is to go over the shimmer color with a light application of a lighter or same/similar color in a matte.  It cuts back on the shimmer without chaning the color.

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Re: Too Faced Pallet Purchase

I love this palette!!

"friends don't let friends drink white zinfandel"
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Re: Too Faced Pallet Purchase



Very pretty! 


Some of the darker ones to the far right would be a challenge for me to use, I think. And too close to others I have. But I love the ones to the middle and left. 


I like & often use my Too Faced Funfetti & Sweet Peach palettes. 

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Re: Too Faced Pallet Purchase

@hoosieroriginal wrote:

Would love a matte collection those colors!

@hoosieroriginal  You should check out the Violet Voss matte eyeshadow palette. I saw it today on Camerareadycosmetics dot com. 

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Re: Too Faced Pallet Purchase

Looks very much like a pallette Tarte would put out.  I thought it was Tarte at first.

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Re: Too Faced Pallet Purchase

So I spent HOURS last night watching YT videos of this palette (not pallet...I knew that didn't look right!).  The reviews were very mixed but leaned to the positive side.  I still haven't tried it.  Taking my dingo to the vet tomorrow so I'm looking forward to playing with my new makeup Smiley Happy

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Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: Too Faced Pallet Purchase

First day using this palette.  So far so good.  I applied Too Faced Shadow Insurance first.  It's only been on about 3 hours but I got a little teary eyed and it got wet.  After my eyes dried, it was no worse for wear.  Bringing my 11 year old grandson home to spend the night, he was telling me his dad let him drive the 4-wheeler on their deer least, at night, by himself!!!  How do kids live to adult-hood!?  No one should be allowed to be parents till they are grandparents!!! Smiley Wink