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Re: This might be a dumb question about WEN

@spent2much: Why don’t you quit using it for a period of time to see what happens. There have be articles recently talking about reasons for hair loss which has nothing to do with Wen. You never know what could be causing the thinning but if you worry it’s the Wen, stop using it. 

I lose very little hair in the shower.

At least that would be something you can control for now. If you find it’s still thinning then explore other things.

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Re: This might be a dumb question about WEN

@SadiesadieThanks for the advice - good idea.  Actually, I have started using a regular shampoo for blonde hair.  But then after rinsing it out, I use one pump of Wen, blend it into the hair without touching the roots, and rinse it out.  I did notice about half the usual amount of hair in the shower.  I may continue doing this for a while to see if it helps.

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Re: This might be a dumb question about WEN

A very close friend of mine, who doesn’t use WEN, would never have known she had a tumor on her thyroid had her hairdresser not noticed how badly her hair was thinning. Something to consider no matter which shampoo you prefer. 🛁

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Re: This might be a dumb question about WEN

@Katilein wrote:

just wondering why Chaz is still,selling his stuff, when he just paid out a huge lawsuit. Did he change the formula? If he did I must have missed that announcement. I too lost a lot of hair, but was never contacted by either Qvc or his company directly., or if I had to contact them. Too late now anyways and probably way over talked as far as that lawsuit is concerned. 

A settlement is usually done with no admission of guilt on the part of the defendant and also means the plaintiff did not have to prove their case. With neither of those things, there's no reason to stop selling the product.


LOADS of companies have settled class actions suits for products still sold and used today. Cars, tobacco, drugs still holding FDA approval, all kinds of things. A class action settlement is common and does not mean much.



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Re: This might be a dumb question about WEN

@spent2much wrote:

So how did that lawsuit go down?  Wen users:  did it thin your hair?  Curious.

I used WEN for many years with no thinning or hair loss. None of the ingredients have been proven to cause hair loss or thinning. I still use some WEN products, but no longer use the cleansing conditioner because it has a silicone in it and I stopped using hair products with silicones.

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Re: This might be a dumb question about WEN

@customerqvc2 wrote:

I bought once from QVC and never from any where else.  Yet, I got a notice about the lawsuit and I signed up on the website that the lawyers had set up.  I did get a check and that was my first and last association with the WEN product.  My hair was a mess after using it and I can't even give the bottles I have away.  I may have to just toss it or see if my church wants it for their yard sale.


Donate it to a womans shelter

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Re: This might be a dumb question about WEN

There are different formulas because Guthy-Renker sells WEN internationally, and some of the regular ingredients can't be shipped overseas.

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Re: This might be a dumb question about WEN

@spent2much wrote:

@SadiesadieI've always had very thick hair.  Every time I went to my stylist, he thinned it.  Well, forward to today and I'm 69 and it's a LOT thinner than it used to be.  I think I'm the only one that notices it, though, because it was soooooo thick.  I've been using Wen for a couple of years.  I just wish I could get some assurance that the hair thinning has nothing to do with Wen.



Thinning hair is very common with aging.  If you need assurance about your hair, I’d suggest that you see your derm, a B.B. can’t provide you with reliable, personal information.


If YOU think it’s something to do with the WEN, you might consider not using it.

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Re: This might be a dumb question about WEN

@Ifeelwicked wrote:

Why are there different formulas?!  And what are the differences? Call me crazy, but I like to know what I’m buying is the same product no matter where I purchase it from. 



You can easily compare the Guthy Rinker ingredients to the ingredients posted right here on the Q.


I don’t purchase from GR, but if you do, you should have access to their ingredient info.


Sort of doubtful anyone will do that research for you as most posters on the Q BB purchase WEN from Q.

"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras
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Re: This might be a dumb question about WEN

Long term WEN user / lover.  Longer thicker, more shiny, bouncy hair than ever!


So, CHAZ must be due a visit SOON!


Thanks CHAZ & WEN. Technicolor-Lips-2.png

"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras