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Tarte Make Believe in Yourself Eye & Cheek Palette on sale!!

I've been eying A360050 - the Tarte Make Believe in Yourself Eye and Cheek Palette on the Q but at $40, I wanted to be sure I liked the colors. Went looking for swatches and reviews and ended up on the Tarte site and saw the palette is on sale for $26 with free shipping. Wahoo!!


Thought I'd share

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Re: Tarte Make Believe in Yourself Eye & Cheek Palette on sale!!

Thought the show last night on Beauty IQ was very good, really informative.  I wanted everything.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 24,550
Registered: ‎10-03-2011

Re: Tarte Make Believe in Yourself Eye & Cheek Palette on sale!!

Thanks for mentioning the website sale.  I'm looking for a simple kit for travel that has some basic shadow colors and blush.  Looks like I'll be doing a little shopping.  Woman Wink 

I bought the Make Believe in Yourself palette and the coordinating highlighter compact for my daughter around mid March.  Less than a month later, she experienced a fire and lost everything she owned except for her car.  I found a much less expensive replacement on eBay.  It pays to shop around.

Valued Contributor
Posts: 795
Registered: ‎01-01-2014

Re: Tarte Make Believe in Yourself Eye & Cheek Palette on sale!!

@JeanLouiseFinch wrote:

Thanks for mentioning the website sale.  I'm looking for a simple kit for travel that has some basic shadow colors and blush.  Looks like I'll be doing a little shopping.  Woman Wink 

I bought the Make Believe in Yourself palette and the coordinating highlighter compact for my daughter around mid March.  Less than a month later, she experienced a fire and lost everything she owned except for her car.  I found a much less expensive replacement on eBay.  It pays to shop around.

I am very sorry that your dear daughter had a fire losing all her items (some of which I am certain can't be replaced}  I hope she is healthy and I will keep her in my prayers that all works out for her.  I can't imagine what that would be like.   

Honored Contributor
Posts: 24,550
Registered: ‎10-03-2011

Re: Tarte Make Believe in Yourself Eye & Cheek Palette on sale!!


@JeanLouiseFinch wrote:

Thanks for mentioning the website sale.  I'm looking for a simple kit for travel that has some basic shadow colors and blush.  Looks like I'll be doing a little shopping.  Woman Wink 

I bought the Make Believe in Yourself palette and the coordinating highlighter compact for my daughter around mid March.  Less than a month later, she experienced a fire and lost everything she owned except for her car.  I found a much less expensive replacement on eBay.  It pays to shop around.

I am very sorry that your dear daughter had a fire losing all her items (some of which I am certain can't be replaced}  I hope she is healthy and I will keep her in my prayers that all works out for her.  I can't imagine what that would be like.   

Thank you @INDIANA BONES.   It was pretty devastating, but she is fine now. The fire was in the middle of the night, like 3AM, on Mother's Day.  She and her boyfriend were literally seconds away from losing their lives due to the smoke being so thick and fire so intense, when a local policeman broke through their door and rescued them and their dog.  He literally pulled my daughter from the bed.  She had no idea what was happening.  There was no time to grab anything like phones, wallets, keys, jewelry, any possessions at all.  They had nothing but the clothes on their backs but they got out in the nick of time and that's what mattered.  We were very thankful to God and that brave policeman.  Due to kindness and generousity of friends and family they received a little clothing and toiletries for their immediate needs and were able to get into a different apartment and get it furnished within a few weeks. In all the commotion, their dog ran into her kennel.  That policeman somehow carried the entire kennel, with the dog inside, down from the third floor.  Their two cats were never accounted for so it's likely that they perished.  Thanks again for your kind words. 

Valued Contributor
Posts: 795
Registered: ‎01-01-2014

Re: Tarte Make Believe in Yourself Eye & Cheek Palette on sale!!

@JeanLouiseFinch wrote:


@JeanLouiseFinch wrote:

Thanks for mentioning the website sale.  I'm looking for a simple kit for travel that has some basic shadow colors and blush.  Looks like I'll be doing a little shopping.  Woman Wink 

I bought the Make Believe in Yourself palette and the coordinating highlighter compact for my daughter around mid March.  Less than a month later, she experienced a fire and lost everything she owned except for her car.  I found a much less expensive replacement on eBay.  It pays to shop around.

I am very sorry that your dear daughter had a fire losing all her items (some of which I am certain can't be replaced}  I hope she is healthy and I will keep her in my prayers that all works out for her.  I can't imagine what that would be like.   

Thank you @INDIANA BONES.   It was pretty devastating, but she is fine now. The fire was in the middle of the night, like 3AM, on Mother's Day.  She and her boyfriend were literally seconds away from losing their lives due to the smoke being so thick and fire so intense, when a local policeman broke through their door and rescued them and their dog.  He literally pulled my daughter from the bed.  She had no idea what was happening.  There was no time to grab anything like phones, wallets, keys, jewelry, any possessions at all.  They had nothing but the clothes on their backs but they got out in the nick of time and that's what mattered.  We were very thankful to God and that brave policeman.  Due to kindness and generousity of friends and family they received a little clothing and toiletries for their immediate needs and were able to get into a different apartment and get it furnished within a few weeks. In all the commotion, their dog ran into her kennel.  That policeman somehow carried the entire kennel, with the dog inside, down from the third floor.  Their two cats were never accounted for so it's likely that they perished.  Thanks again for your kind words. 

Your DD still has her BF and dog.  We can replace material items (although some unfortunately not as I am certain you know that more than I do), but our loved ones are not replacable.  They are now in my prayers.  When one door closes a golden door opens and I hope this is true for them.  

Honored Contributor
Posts: 24,550
Registered: ‎10-03-2011

Re: Tarte Make Believe in Yourself Eye & Cheek Palette on sale!!


@JeanLouiseFinch wrote:


@JeanLouiseFinch wrote:

Thanks for mentioning the website sale.  I'm looking for a simple kit for travel that has some basic shadow colors and blush.  Looks like I'll be doing a little shopping.  Woman Wink 

I bought the Make Believe in Yourself palette and the coordinating highlighter compact for my daughter around mid March.  Less than a month later, she experienced a fire and lost everything she owned except for her car.  I found a much less expensive replacement on eBay.  It pays to shop around.

I am very sorry that your dear daughter had a fire losing all her items (some of which I am certain can't be replaced}  I hope she is healthy and I will keep her in my prayers that all works out for her.  I can't imagine what that would be like.   

Thank you @INDIANA BONES.   It was pretty devastating, but she is fine now. The fire was in the middle of the night, like 3AM, on Mother's Day.  She and her boyfriend were literally seconds away from losing their lives due to the smoke being so thick and fire so intense, when a local policeman broke through their door and rescued them and their dog.  He literally pulled my daughter from the bed.  She had no idea what was happening.  There was no time to grab anything like phones, wallets, keys, jewelry, any possessions at all.  They had nothing but the clothes on their backs but they got out in the nick of time and that's what mattered.  We were very thankful to God and that brave policeman.  Due to kindness and generousity of friends and family they received a little clothing and toiletries for their immediate needs and were able to get into a different apartment and get it furnished within a few weeks. In all the commotion, their dog ran into her kennel.  That policeman somehow carried the entire kennel, with the dog inside, down from the third floor.  Their two cats were never accounted for so it's likely that they perished.  Thanks again for your kind words. 

Your DD still has her BF and dog.  We can replace material items (although some unfortunately not as I am certain you know that more than I do), but our loved ones are not replacable.  They are now in my prayers.  When one door closes a golden door opens and I hope this is true for them.  

@INDIANA BONES  Yes, they are all very fortunate.  It could have turned out much differently.  She misses her kitties a lot, but has a new fur babie.  Even before the fire, her b/f started saving to get her a silver Bengal.  They're expensive and he knew it would take awhile.  After the fire, once they settled into their new place, he happened to find a breeder who sold him one at a very discounted price.  Not that the others could be replaced, but the new kitten did fill a hole in her heart and helped to cheer her up.  

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 15
Registered: ‎10-13-2012

Re: Tarte Make Believe in Yourself Eye & Cheek Palette on sale!!

This palette is one of my favorites. I love all of the shimmer and color. My complexion comes to life with shimmer eyeshadow. And they go on so beautifully!