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Tangle Teezer- has anyone tried them?

Do they really work? I have a friend with super long, thick hair and if it works, I think she would love something like this but the demos I saw only really showed those with short, thinner hair. I would appreciate some feedback.

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Re: Tangle Teezer- has anyone tried them?

They do. For children especially, and some adults.

But since my hair is naturally baby-fine and wavy, and I only brush it right before shampooing, it wasn't that kind to my hair.

I just went back to my wide-spaced detangling comb, which I always use after washing/conditioning, and occasionally when it's needed.

Feels great massaging the scalp with one, though! Smiley Wink

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Re: Tangle Teezer- has anyone tried them?

I have pretty thick hair and it does not really seem to get through to my scalp and I don't feel like it really detangles my hair. I like a paddle brush and or a wide tooth comb...

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Re: Tangle Teezer- has anyone tried them?

try the michel mercier brush for thick hair.....i have the thin hair version and i love it! i bought mine over a year ago on shophq, but you can get it at BBB and amazon or via this link......

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Re: Tangle Teezer- has anyone tried them?

Thanks everyone!

Sunshine, I will check this out next time I am in BBB!

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Re: Tangle Teezer- has anyone tried them?

I bought a detangling brush at Walmart and it works wonderfully!!! I have shoulder length hair, very fine.

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Re: Tangle Teezer- has anyone tried them?

Yes, they work. My hair is long, and now with the cold weather, scarves and coats tangle my hair terribly. I even have a dupe that works well.