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Re: Suggestions for extremely dry, cracking hands?

@SilleeMee You are right there.  Water won't make your skin soft, but not drinking enough will worsen the condition by not feeding it.  Hot water can damage your skin and wick out moisture, so temperature will greatly affect moisture loss from your skin.  Cool water helps to close your pores and prevent moisture loss.  Hot water opens the pores and can cause you to sweat, thus loosing moisture.

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Re: Suggestions for extremely dry, cracking hands?

I have really dry hands and someone gave me a recommendation for Jergen's Ultra Healing Lotion.  


I've used Jergen's years ago, but this one really works well for me.  I could tell a big difference the next day.  

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Re: Suggestions for extremely dry, cracking hands?

Try the Elta products....can be purchased on Amazon or directly from their website.   Elta lite is good...I also like the Elta Cream for my legs/arms.  

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Re: Suggestions for extremely dry, cracking hands?

A number of years ago I had the same problem, a friend gave me a lotion called Gloves in a Bottle and it was amazing! Stayed on through hand washing like nothing I have ever seen! It cleared up my dry hands!


You can find it via Amazon and other spots on=line.


"Cats are poetry in motion. Dogs are gibberish in neutral." -Garfield
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Re: Suggestions for extremely dry, cracking hands?


I only skimmed the thread, but in addition to what others have said ...

1) drinking more water

2) washing with a moisturizing soap like L'Occitane or olive oil based cleanser

3) using a heavier cream at night...



Does she have a humidifier? I run one on both levels of my house and it makes a big difference.


Also, does she take any RX meds that might make this condition worse?

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Re: Suggestions for extremely dry, cracking hands?

Years ago, I asked my Avon lady (at the time), the very same question, I was really looking for a product recommendation, instead,she told me that it wasn't as much about the product itself but whatever I chose to use, I needed to be consistent in using it.  She told me to keep it available at all times so that I would use it. So I do try to keep lotion at my desk, kitchen sink, purse, bathroom, nightstand etc.  I have found that having it readily available is a big help for me.  Also, I don't keep the same lotions/cream at their designated locations, that is, I keep a heavier cream on my nightstand that I use before bedtime.  I also use salt/sugar scrubs on my hands in the winter and that seems to help.

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Re: Suggestions for extremely dry, cracking hands?

My hands are in terrible shape.  My old standby creams aren't working this time.  

Honored Contributor
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Registered: ‎05-22-2016

Re: Suggestions for extremely dry, cracking hands?

I agree with @lolakimono about using a humidifier. It really helps especially in the winter when we have the drying heat turned on. I cannot live without my humidifiers right now!  Before I got a humidifier I checked the humidity level in my house and it was a shocking 10%. No wonder my skin was cracked!  Humidity should be around 35% to 45% for a healthy environment. Highly recommend buying a hygrometer and check the humidity in your house!