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Success with Vick's vapo run for toenail fungus?

Anybody have success with this remedy? If yes, what regimen did you follow and how long did it take to see results?
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Re: Success with Vick's vapo run for toenail fungus?

@Rachb wrote:
Anybody have success with this remedy? If yes, what regimen did you follow and how long did it take to see results?

I haven't had a need to try this, but what could it hurt?  Remember the dad from "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" and his Windex?  I have a uncle who was like that with Vick's, it seemed like he used it for everything.  

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Re: Success with Vick's vapo run for toenail fungus?

The smell kept me awake so that remedy didnt work out for me.

Much better results from Fungi-Nail @ Walgreens or Wally World.

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Re: Success with Vick's vapo run for toenail fungus?

I've been using "Jason Purifying Tea Tree Nail Saver" with great results,.


The company creates all-natural products, and this one has rave reviews all over the 'Net.


You can get it online at Ebay. Amazon, iHerb, Vitacost, &

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Re: Success with Vick's vapo run for toenail fungus?

Contrary to my better instincts, I tried Vick's for toenail fungus. Nothing. Nada. Nope.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: Success with Vick's vapo run for toenail fungus?

I should add that my problem doesn't seem to be systemic. My nails grow out clear but get fungus under polish. And no, changing salons doesn't help. It just happens. Maybe I'm leaving the polish on too long. I've decided to leave the polish off for a bit but don't want to wait until the entire nail grows out to clear it up. I sent my hubs out last night to get vapo rub. I applied, went to bed, and I swear I see an improvement this morning.
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Re: Success with Vick's vapo run for toenail fungus?

I have had good results with Clearly Confident Antifungal Cream from Vermont Country Store.  Saw a great improvement in just a few weeks.  My nails are back to normal now after using this for just a few months.

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Re: Success with Vick's vapo run for toenail fungus?

@Rachb wrote:
I should add that my problem doesn't seem to be systemic. My nails grow out clear but get fungus under polish. And no, changing salons doesn't help. It just happens. Maybe I'm leaving the polish on too long. I've decided to leave the polish off for a bit but don't want to wait until the entire nail grows out to clear it up. I sent my hubs out last night to get vapo rub. I applied, went to bed, and I swear I see an improvement this morning.


I have a similar problem like yours. Whenever I put polish on my toenails, my big toenail starts separating from the bed starting from the tip down. After I remove the polish I have to let it grow out for them to come back to look normal. My problem is not fungal or other's an allergy I have to formaldahyde. Now I avoid all nail polish. Have you ever thought maybe you could have an allergy?

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Re: Success with Vick's vapo run for toenail fungus?

I've found hydrogen peroxide to work well.  It's cheap and can be used as often as desired.  

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Re: Success with Vick's vapo run for toenail fungus?

I read somewhere that apple cider vinegar and listerine (regular) mixed together really works well. Check it out on the web ...