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Re: Straightening hair without a flat iron

My hair is shoulder length and wavy-ish just like yours.

I let it air dry about 50-60% and then use just my fingers while I blow dry it.

I can take a hold of about a quarter of my hair and hold it out firmly while I blow dry it with the heat very low.

I can even flip it up or down or go straight, just holding the ends while I blow dry.

Give it a try!

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Re: Straightening hair without a flat iron

On 3/5/2015 Violet Fields said:
On 3/5/2015 Kind1too said:

When you dye your hair you have to dye your roots. When you stop dyeing your hair all together, after it grows out, it will all be the same color. The tips of your hair were once at the root too. Do you darken or lighten?

I (actually my husband does it) lighten the roots and use Naturtint permanent hair dye in one of the blonde shades usually. My skin is really sensitive so I use the more "natural" dyes. The color would probably be real yuck if I stopped dying it and let it grow out. The roots are brown with some gray starting to mix in around the hairline. My hair was always blonde but lately the roots are getting dark, so does that mean the actual color is changing to brown or preparing to change to gray/white?

Forgive me for being so dumb, but wouldn't their have to be a peroxide to lighten your hair? And then drying would cause more damage? I know I am no help, but you said that your hair dresser said you were damaging your hair. Maybe there is some kind of product that would condition the hair to a healthier state. My hair is getting thin so I'm afraid to color and almost always let air dry. I don't want to give it any more excuses to fall out. I have wavy hair too and when it was longer had the same problem you have. I used to have a friend that wrapped her hair around her head to help straighten it. Now that I were my hair shorter I don't seem to have the problem.

That's nice that your husband helps you with your hair. My husband would whine the whole time.

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Re: Straightening hair without a flat iron

On 3/5/2015 RespectLife said:

This is what works so well for me:

I use WEN...not asking you to do so...just saying since I switched to WEN and use the styling straightening results have been fantastic. No frizzies! NO flat irons.

I purchased (based on a recommendation here) the Sedu Revolution 4000i Hair dryer (kinda $$ but SO worth it)

I now only have to blow dry w/ a paddle brush (round brushes hate me and I hate them right back). This dryer works so fast without extreme heat! Has the ions etc. I have fairly long hair down my back. I used to dread washing/styling so much.

My hair is now straight, full, soft, silky and smooth and NO hot tool or flat iron is needed at all. I have a beautiful straight look w/ very little effort. I have those curlies underneath like you. More like squiggles!

The WEN styling creme is a must for me to protect my hair and keep it smooth...but this hair dryer....!! I'm telling is the best I have ever, EVER used.

I am not a Wen user. Tried it, didn't work for me. But I use this same blow dryer. I do not even use a brush. I just use my fingers and my dryer and I can get my hair pretty straight. I have thick, curly, very long hair and it still kind of surprises me how quickly it dries my hair. I also have the Sedu Revolution flat irons, 1" and 1 1/2" for when I want a very sleek look. The Sedu Revolution line are really good products. The also have an argon oil product that I LOVE.

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Re: Straightening hair without a flat iron

You are welcome Violet Fields.

I got the Sedu at BB&Beyond (.com) with a 20% coupon and free shipping. It was much less expensive than all other sites I found it...including Amazon. Plus, if you don't like it you can just return it to their store which is nice!

Thank you JJ for your suggestions on Sedu's other line...I have been looking for a new flat iron for my daughter and we weren't happy w/ Chi.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Straightening hair without a flat iron

Wow, I just typed something and went to quote someone and it deleted what I had typed. Oh well. I wanted to thank you all for your wonderful suggestions! It's so nice to get great ideas for something you're struggling with!

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Posts: 223
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Straightening hair without a flat iron

On 3/5/2015 Kind1too said:
On 3/5/2015 Violet Fields said:
On 3/5/2015 Kind1too said:

When you dye your hair you have to dye your roots. When you stop dyeing your hair all together, after it grows out, it will all be the same color. The tips of your hair were once at the root too. Do you darken or lighten?

I (actually my husband does it) lighten the roots and use Naturtint permanent hair dye in one of the blonde shades usually. My skin is really sensitive so I use the more "natural" dyes. The color would probably be real yuck if I stopped dying it and let it grow out. The roots are brown with some gray starting to mix in around the hairline. My hair was always blonde but lately the roots are getting dark, so does that mean the actual color is changing to brown or preparing to change to gray/white?

Forgive me for being so dumb, but wouldn't their have to be a peroxide to lighten your hair? And then drying would cause more damage? I know I am no help, but you said that your hair dresser said you were damaging your hair. Maybe there is some kind of product that would condition the hair to a healthier state. My hair is getting thin so I'm afraid to color and almost always let air dry. I don't want to give it any more excuses to fall out. I have wavy hair too and when it was longer had the same problem you have. I used to have a friend that wrapped her hair around her head to help straighten it. Now that I were my hair shorter I don't seem to have the problem.

That's nice that your husband helps you with your hair. My husband would whine the whole time.

My husband doesn't want me to pay for getting my roots done at the salon and thinks it would be too hard for me to do it myself because I have pretty much hair (for now anyway!).

You're right - the dye I use does have peroxide but it's a low percentage. It doesn't have ammonia in it. I just bought a restructuring leave-in protein cream for my hair, so I'm hoping that really helps improve it. I really hate to blow it dry, but the hairdresser insists it will not do any more damage if you use a heat protectant on it. I don't know how right she is, so I've been drying it on low.

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Re: Straightening hair without a flat iron

You should use some are aran oil on you hair. Also check out Shea Moisture hair products at Walgreens or Target or Sallys. They are very moisturizing for curly hair types. I have straight, super fine, super thick hair and use their thickening/repair shampoo. All of their products are free from all bad junk.
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Registered: ‎05-25-2014

Re: Straightening hair without a flat iron

You can use all the products that every one of the helpful ladies on this thread have recommended, but I agree with the above poster who stated that your wavy hair will never straighten correctly unless you get all the moisture out of it.

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Posts: 223
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Straightening hair without a flat iron

I just wanted to update: The problem was, as some of you said, that I wasn't getting all the moisture out of the hair. So I've been waiting until the hair is maybe 70% (?) dry and then blowing it (not totally dry but way drier than before). This way it's pretty much straight but I'm sure would be even straighter if I blew it totally dry. I'm going to get a better thermal protector to make sure the hair won't be damaged. I did get a leave-in protein cream so hopefully that will help repair the damaged part.

Thanks again for all your help!