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Spoiler - who was eliminated tonite from DWTS?

The President came on & we on east coast missed it
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Re: Spoiler - who was eliminated tonite from DWTS?

Bethany and Derek went home. I'm on the east coast too -so mad they didn't continue with the show. Had to look on line for the results.

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Re: Spoiler - who was eliminated tonite from DWTS?

Wow - thanks!!!
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Re: Spoiler - who was eliminated tonite from DWTS?

I was shocked who they kicked off. No way will I believe this, this is ABC's doing. They don't want Derek to win for the 6 time. If Derek is gone next year I won't watch anymore. He is doing other things now. Good luck Derek you are the BEST.

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Re: Spoiler - who was eliminated tonite from DWTS?

No one missed anything: ABC picked up Dancing With The Stars exactly where they left off when they went to breaking news. The entire show was broadcast; it just was interrupted by the news for a short while. I'm on the East coast and saw the entire show.
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Re: Spoiler - who was eliminated tonite from DWTS?

It's time someone other than Derek won. I would like to see him get an older star for once instead of always getting the pretty 20 something. I agree he is good but........
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Re: Spoiler - who was eliminated tonite from DWTS?

I'm in NY and we did not get to see who was eliminated, either. Castle came on right after the President's speech.

I think that Bethany was the least known and that is why she was eliminated. Isn't she on online "star"?

It is a very close competition this year. I was voting for someone else, anyway.

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Re: Spoiler - who was eliminated tonite from DWTS?

Overall I do not care for this season, but even though we all love Derek and Val, it has to be about the best dancer who is definitely Alfonco. He deserves his victory! So I am voting for him.
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Re: Spoiler - who was eliminated tonite from DWTS?

I think Alfonso and Sadie are by far the best dancers....but Alfonso has danced professionally so it seems to me like an unfair advantage...Sadie has never danced before at all so I think what she has accomplished is amazing. Tough choice!

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Re: Spoiler - who was eliminated tonite from DWTS?

Sadie has been my favorite from the start. However, I think Alfonso is the public favorite & will win. No one can forget he was Carlton. Sadie is really talented.