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Re: Something i see here in florida a lot....

On 3/28/2014 cater said:

My doctor told me to get out in the sun. My results for my Vit. D tests were so low he said to get out in the sun every day it will help. I also have to take Vit. D pills every day.

Edit: Sorry double post.

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Re: Something i see here in florida a lot....

This map is also intriguing! I would not have guessed that Florida and Texas have lower skin cancers than where I live, Pennsylvania.


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Re: Something i see here in florida a lot....

On 3/31/2014 Harpa said:

This map is also intriguing! I would not have guessed that Florida and Texas have lower skin cancers than where I live, Pennsylvania.

I think people are much more vigilant about sunscreens and prevention in sunny/hot places. It's hard to forget here in Texas because it's so hot and sunny for so many months. We have fewer of those overcast days where you're as likely to burn, but less likely to put sunscreen on because the sun "isn't out."

I am more likely to forget to take my allergy or asthma medications outside of allergy season because I'm feeling better. In the bad seasons, I almost never forget them because I know how badly I'll feel if I don't. The sun in Texas is like that allergy season - it's always there to remind you that you need to deal with it.

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Re: Something i see here in florida a lot....

A lovely tan? Healthy color? I thought most people had gotten the message that tanning is ill-advised. Seems that way at least - I no longer see tanning salons or hear about people buying tanning beds.

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Re: Something i see here in florida a lot....

On 4/1/2014 ValuSkr said:

A lovely tan? Healthy color? I thought most people had gotten the message that tanning is ill-advised. Seems that way at least - I no longer see tanning salons or hear about people buying tanning beds.

Unfortunately, tanning salons are still very popular. This from an article in the NYT just eight months ago:

Despite warnings about skin cancer, about a third of the young and adult white women in a new study said they used tanning beds, and many were using them frequently. Tanning beds are widely believed to have played a large role in the increasing rates of skin cancer in recent decades. The most serious type, melanoma, has risen sharply among young white women in particular.

The new study, published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, sought to document the prevalence of tanning bed use among white female high school students and white women ages 18 to 34.

It found that among the high school students, 30 percent had used a tanning bed in the previous year, and 17 percent had reported doing so at least 10 times, which was considered frequent use. Among those in the older group, a quarter had engaged in indoor tanning in the previous year, and 15 percent were classified as frequent users. In both groups, the practice was most common in the South and Midwest.

The authors of the report noted that indoor tanning before the age of 35 increases melanoma risk by up to 75 percent, and that the risk increases by roughly 2 percent with each additional tanning session per year.

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Re: Something i see here in florida a lot....

On 3/29/2014 serenity4ever said:
On 3/29/2014 wilma said:
On 3/28/2014 Pook said:

pasty white women

Descriptions like this bother me. It is implying pale people are less beautiful or less healthy than those with tanned skin. I get very tired of people telling me to get a tan so I will look healthier and better. Tanned skin is damaged skin - there is no way around that. If you know the scientific explanation behind a tan there is no other explanation. I am also starting to wonder about all the faux tanning products out there. Yes, I have tried my share of them to avoid being ostracized, but the chemicals in them can't be good. This year I want to go totally natural, but I know the stares and comments will be forthcoming, and I don't know if I can take that.

I always apply sunscreen to my face and neck every morning - been doing it since I was in my teens. I am over 50 now, and my skin looks much younger than any of the people I know who don't wear sunscreen daily. I apply sunscreen on my legs and arms if I know I am going to be in the sun for more than 20 minutes. I should be more diligent about using it on my hands and upper chest, especially when the sun is at its peak in the spring and summer months.

I proudly wear my "pasty white" skin and I like that I have exactly the same skin tone as January Jones and Nicole Kidman. A lot of women have pretty porcelain complexions and keep your head up high because there are many people who consider it beautiful....

Thanks for the encouragement.

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Re: Something i see here in florida a lot....

I don't ly in the sun. My pleasures are gardening, swimming in my pool & I try to jog later in the day, I just love the beauty of nature & the sun which is so uplifting. I make sure I am well protected as best as possible. I will not deny myself these pleasures.

When I garden I wear cotton long sleeves & same pants, a wide brim hate & suncreen, & boy do I sweat but drink lots of water! After I swim or just play in the pool with DH or children etc. I have my table & chairs in a well shaded area on my patio.

To the OP, we have a winter place in Naples Fl. when I am there, what I see on the beaches are women under very large umbrellas or canopys they rent. I don't see hardly any women just baking in the sun. I do see the younger ones lying in the sun. One of my favorite things my DH & do is walking the beach at sunset.