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After seeing Jill present the Legacy soap rock set on hwr Anniversary show, I ordered the set and will see if they live up to the raves..!
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I buy them as gifts.  I don't think they are meant to be used on the face.  They are more of a decorative item and used for the hands.  They are very pretty and most smell very nice.  I have come across one or two that have a stronger odor, which I find unpleasant.  

They do make a nice small gift and come with a card explaining ingredients and background of the creator.

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I always have one in my bathroom for handwashing.  They are not only pretty, but have a nice light fragrance - and they don't dry out your hands.  Guests always ask about them and where to purchase.  On top of that, my four year old niece adores them.  She wants to wash her hands even when they are not dirty.

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I like them a lot. Received one as a gift. They are $$. They do not last in the shower .

As for soap on your face. I will say again what the scientist said about skin care:

Don't smoke


Stay out of the sun

And I know you are 98 and look 28.


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I thought they were hand soaps and not intended for facial use.

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@Group 5 minus 1


Pretty skin starts from the inside.

Genetics...even proper such a huge part of pretty skin.

All the creams, serums, potions...none of it makes a difference.

In fact, it might hurt due to the chemicals your body/liver has to

process on a daily basis.  K.I.S.S.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I love soap rocks. I found them here locally yrqrs ago before Q began carrying them. I've used them ever since.

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I use them in the shower every day!  Love them.  They look pretty, smell pretty and make me happy.

I love my family, my fur boys, my Jayhawks and accounting!
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@Jayhawk Girl wrote:

I use them in the shower every day!  Love them.  They look pretty, smell pretty and make me happy.


@Jayhawk Girl- how many days (weeks?) do they last in the shower? I love things that make us happy!

"That's a great first pancake."
Lady Gaga, to Tony Bennett
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

They are fun gifts as hand soap. I did find in time they get smaller as if evaporating in the soap dish over time if not used regularly. Must be the moisture evaporating.