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Re: Skin Care, Milia, Argon Oil - What am I doing wrong?

It may also be whatever Loreal moisturizer you are using. I had been able to use their products years ago. But, I have noticed after trying to go back to them recently that they are highly scented and I had not only a bad reaction to the fragrance but, I also had new milia issues sprout up.

I also dislike their new facial oil. Odd smell and it blocked my pores something terrible. I broke out like crazy and I am way past the usual breakout age range...

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Re: Skin Care, Milia, Argon Oil - What am I doing wrong?

exfoliation is probably bringing the milia up to the surface from where they've been hiding

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Re: Skin Care, Milia, Argon Oil - What am I doing wrong?

I've been having great luck with Tea Tree Oil. I've had product over load milia, red spots and blemishes but the tea tree has made them go away and stay away. I also use a drop of Rose Hip Oil for extra moisture and it has been brightening my skin without the added issues.

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Re: Skin Care, Milia, Argon Oil - What am I doing wrong?

Some thoughts...Oil/debris gets trapped and some recommend that you put hot compresses on the problem area. Why?

Pores are conical shaped, and although there is not a bottomless opening into the deeper skin layer and they do not "open" or "close" in that sense, the larger end of the pore does constrict and contract; and debris, sometimes too heavy product for your skin & even your own sebum can get trapped. That's why they recommend facial steaming, which will, in a sense, open that part of the pore wall to loosen the debris.

Or...when doing oil cleansing, you achieve the same opening effect with the hot wash cloth. (read about the oil cleansing method - Also, the oil (castor oil) helps to draw out the impurity.

This just adds to the other solutions that were offered...sometimes you simply change your product, or add a deeper exfoliation to your routine; i.e., BHA, or use another cleansing method.

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Re: Skin Care, Milia, Argon Oil - What am I doing wrong?

I use the Clarisonic and then a light moisturizer like Clinique's yellow one, or Neutrogena. Something non-comedogenic. Around my eyes, I use the cotton pads with the gentle exfoliating "bumps" on one side.

I cleanse with a Neutrogena or Cera Ve cleanser. Although I do sometimes use other things, I really like Bare Minerals eye cream---NOT the firming one, the other one. Really helps keep the milia at bay!

I also found that it help to alternate products---I have three moisturizers in rotation.