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Sharon Stone.......57 and Amazing!

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Re: Sharon Stone.......57 and Amazing!

I read a short article about Sharon on Yahoo.  She looks wonderful; however, most movie stars look great as they have the money to go under the knife.  I did not realize that she had a stroke.  I am glad that she is okay and recovered from her medical issues.

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Re: Sharon Stone.......57 and Amazing!

I don't like to do links, but have seen her recently and she looked fabulous.

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Re: Sharon Stone.......57 and Amazing!

She looks great and doesn't strike me as someone overly obsessed with her looks. Not by Hollywood standards anyway. Of course she is very intelligent and probably hasn't determined her self worth by her beauty like some folks....Kim???

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Re: Sharon Stone.......57 and Amazing!

I went on-line to Haper's article & photos. She looks absolutely amazing.


The majority of the comments on the photos was that she looks that great because of air-brushing.  I must be naive because that thought never crossed my mind until they mentioned it.

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Re: Sharon Stone.......57 and Amazing!

Her body is amazing for any age.  BUT, that being said, these photos, of her face, are retouched BIGTIME.  I've seen her on a few shows in the past few years, and her face is showing age.  She still is a beauty, but her face is not with out lines as it appears in these photos.  


Her figure is fantastic!

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Re: Sharon Stone.......57 and Amazing!

Looks like Sharon is a kindred spirit when it comes to fashion. Not sure how old this photo is, but I'd love to have that dress. With a little longer hemline of course. If her pictures are being "enhanced", so be it.



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Re: Sharon Stone.......57 and Amazing!

With diet, exercise and Photo Shop, she's looking great...but wouldn't we all?

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Sharon Stone.......57 and Amazing!

Check her out 5 years ago......quite a change.......of course it is her own business what she has done to her own body......

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Re: Sharon Stone.......57 and Amazing!

Her body is amazing. That's what diet, exercise, and healthy eating can do.