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I have the most sensitive skin ever.  And rosacea and aging skin.  The best thing I could say is read the ingredients and don't buy anything with Fragrance of any kind!  I switch around but I like Eucerin, Olay, First Aid, Cetaphil, LaRoche Posay, CeraVe, just to name a few.

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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@sblucy   Aveeno makes a good line of moisturizers called Calm and Restore. It has oats, etc. and is very good for itchy skin and redness.

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Posts: 8
Registered: ‎04-01-2010

Thank you so much for this information. I will check out these brands.

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Registered: ‎03-18-2010

I have been using Paula's Choice since 1995.  Her products are fragrance-free and cruelty-free and guaranteed.  Also, not in jars so you are not contaminating the ingredients when you put your fingers in or having air degrading the product.


The  focus on utilizing the best ingredients means they're also dedicated to avoiding ingredients that research proves irritating, drying or likely to worsen skin concerns and conditions. These ingredients include:


  • 1,4 Dioxane (as defined by EU Regulations)
  • Abrasive Particles (pumice, nut shells, fruit pits, salt, or sugar)
  • Aluminum Powder
  • Essential Oils
  • Formaldehyde (or formaldehyde-releasing ingredients)
  • Fragrant Plant Extracts
  • Nanoparticles (below 100 nm as defined by EU Regulations)
  • Phthalates
  • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate
  • Synthetic Dyes
  • Synthetic Fragrance
  • Talc
  • Toluene
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I have senstive skin and allergies. I use Lancer products (sensitive)  for cleansing. I use Dr. Denese for skiin care. Makeup is Laura Geller. This is the combo that works for me. Hope you have the same good luck as I didi.


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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

I also recommend "Paula's Choice."  I buy it directly from their website.  If you sign up for their emails, they let you know of sales and send you code numbers for anywhere from 15% to 25% off.


 Good luck.  I hope you find something you like.



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Posts: 4,716
Registered: ‎12-13-2010

Re: Sensitive skin

[ Edited ]

In the 90s when I lived in NYC I went to one the biggest Derms to the stars...Joan Rivers, Bernadette Peters, the list goes on were clients. My first visit she said " I tell all my clients do not use soap on your face or body. Use a soap free baby body wash. Soap is one of the worst drying products for skin."

To this day I still do now with a Clean baby body wash.

One visit I walked into the office and Barbara Walters was walking out.



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Posts: 621
Registered: ‎06-25-2022

As a sensitive skin person myself, I followed my doctors recommendation years ago. I use the Dove moisturizing bar. No scent, none drying, and cleans my face with no residue.