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Re: SHOP HQ sent me a survey & most of it was about their high shipping fees!

OMG!!! I told them almost word for word what you told them about purchasing more Skinn Cosmetics if it wasn't for the shipping. I said every time Dimitri is on they should offer free shipping. Great minds think alike. Was glad to see your post .

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Re: SHOP HQ sent me a survey & most of it was about their high shipping fees!

I got the survey and I've never even bought from them before? I signed up but never purchased. Was going to purchase that Skinn body oil at one time but s/h was too high so I said nah. Surprised I got a survey but it sounds like they are sending them out to everyone who signed up with them.

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Re: SHOP HQ sent me a survey & most of it was about their high shipping fees!

I received they survey and I just purchased my first item a few days ago. I made sure to inform that NO. I do not view your channel. The reason being is that every-time that I look at the program guide it's showing some sort of watch event. Enough with the watches.

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Re: SHOP HQ sent me a survey & most of it was about their high shipping fees!

I didnt get a survey but I agree with all. Every time I turn to the channel it is nothing but watches. They definitely need better programming. I cant believe they sell that many watches. Their shipping is definitely too high. It hasnt stopped me but it would be nice to get that lowered and I think all the special values, regardless of channel, should offer free shipping. Sometimes its not a value by the time you add on shipping. Depending on the results of the survey, hopefully they make some changes.
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Re: SHOP HQ sent me a survey & most of it was about their high shipping fees!

FYI, today is a free shipping day with use of the SHQ CC.

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Re: SHOP HQ sent me a survey & most of it was about their high shipping fees!

On 7/17/2014 Shelbelle said:

FYI, today is a free shipping day with use of the SHQ CC.

Thank you!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: SHOP HQ sent me a survey & most of it was about their high shipping fees!

I took the survey yesterday. Mine did have a few questions about shipping prices, but it was mainly about customer service, products, etc. In the boxes where you could comment, I am another person who told them there were WAY too many watch shows. In fact, I suggested that ShopHQ's shows look "dated"...they aren't as appealing as HSN or QVC. The sets sometimes look "blah", and sometimes the hosts act as if they are seeing a product for the very first time "reading up on" the product beforehand or prepping before a show. I also suggested that although Skinn may be a good cosmetics line, there are many other cosmetic lines out there that could be featured...same thing goes for clothing, shoes. They just seem to be "stuck in a rut" so to speak...the same things OVER and OVER again. There is not as much variety on ShopHQ as there seems to be at HSN and QVC. But maybe that's a good thing....I definitely don't buy from ShopHQ much at all!!!!

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Re: SHOP HQ sent me a survey & most of it was about their high shipping fees!

I usually don't mind paying the shipping fees if I like a product a lot. After all, everything else days is unreasonably high and they do have some special shipping events.. What I object to is that this shopping channel does not refund original shipping fees when returning an item no matter the cost of the postage. That can be a really expensive thing and the very reason I order very little from this channel.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: SHOP HQ sent me a survey & most of it was about their high shipping fees!

On 7/16/2014 icezeus said:

I received they survey and I just purchased my first item a few days ago. I made sure to inform that NO. I do not view your channel. The reason being is that every-time that I look at the program guide it's showing some sort of watch event. Enough with the watches.

There was nowhere on my survey to say I don't watch their channel as TV. I wanted to say that, but there was nowhere to do so. That's why I had to give incorrect answers to some questions, because none of the answers applied to me.