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The style below very similar to mine, Including the silver hair. So easy!! 



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Recall seeing the woman above on YouTube, She was sharing her journey with going natural and no longer coloring her hair. Don't recall her name. 


Isn't she stunning?! Her smile radiates happiness. 

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No gel, mousse or hairspray for me. No clarifying, because I don't need it. I wash my hair 3x a week.


I use Nick C.'s mescuite serum when wringing out my hair and a little bit of amla oil at my roots when blow drying. My hair is in very good condition.


The best "dry shampoo" that I've tried is a bit of aloe vera gel, if I need it.



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I use a conditioning cleanser 2-3 times a week and a shampoo every 4-6 weeks.

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used to wash every day. but now i usually wash hair every 2 to 3 days.

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@winamac1 wrote:

@suzyQ3 wrote:

@suzyQ3 wrote:

@winamac1 wrote:

@Trinity11 wrote:

@winamac1 wrote:

I only shampoo 3 times a week--max of 4.  I find that shampooing and heat tools damage my hair if done and used too often. 


I do only use non sulfate shampoos, but I don't know if they are really any better than shampoos with sulfates.


I do only use high-quality shampoo--no drugstore.  I wonder if drugstore ones are as good and are as gentle.

@winamac1, I tried my husband's Clean Hair by Pantene the other day and my hair looked the best it has in months. I usually use sulfate free shampoo and I don't think it cleans my scalp all that well. The Pantene products seem to work. I think I will be interchanging Pantene with my usual high quality shampoos..

@Trinity11Thanks Trinity.  I have heard great things about Pantene.  I know many love  Pantene.  Do they have a lot of silicones in them though?  I'm concerned about silicones.

@winamac1, shampoos don't normally contain silicones. Cones are usually found in conditioners. BTW, there are some cones that don't end in -cone. With my curly hair, I avoid silicones in any hair products that I use.


But Pantene shampoo does contain sodium laureth sulfate -- thought to be not as harsh as sodium lauryl sulfate. Personally, I avoid all sulfates in shampoos and any skin or body products.

@winamac1, I should have said that silicones are found in conditioners AND styling products as well. They are hard to avoid, but many high-quality curly hair products do not contain cones.

Silicones are in some shampoos.  I just looked at 2 bottles of shampoo that hubby has upstairs in his shower.  BOTH have dimethicone in them--not at top--but halfway down.



One of mine has silicones in it too.  It's a high-end brand.

@winamac1, I'm just not familiar with the addition of silicones to shampoos, but I trust your information. The purpose of silicone is to give slip to hair; it coats it and helps to smooth it. That's the reason that it is found in almost all conditioners and styling products, especially those touted to smooth and reduce frizz.


While the vast majority of silicones are non-water soluble, which is the reason that many curly people avoid because of a build-up that cannot be cured unless one uses a sulfate shampoo, there are some that are water-soluble.


I'd be particularly careful to avoid leave-in products with silicone, but still, I don't use any silicone hair products.

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I still have a lot of shampoo with sulfate, so i dilute it with water. i dilute because i have color treated hair with highlights. i wash about 3x/week. I have thick hair, so it doesnt look oily between washes. 

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Since I've gotten older, my hair has gotten dryer and more prone to frizz and fly-aways.  I don't need to wash it every day unless I am doing heavy chores.  I probably do every other day and this is more than enough.  My hair does seem to be better behaved on the day I don't wash it.  I use various creams, serums, lotions, etc. which have nice light scents and this, I think, keeps my hair smelling fresh also.  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Do the same, First Aid Beauty cream, wonderful and use daily from head to toe.

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@Alison Wonderland wrote:

I use a conditioning cleanser 2-3 times a week and a shampoo every 4-6 weeks.



@Alison Wonderland  Happy that works for you. I did try the conditioning cleanser for quite awhile. My hair never felt quite clean and curls fell flat on 2nd day.