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Rough looking hands: advice or ideas on how to fix

I've always had pretty looking hands and taken care of my nails, but recently my hands are looking "rough." Even my mother and close friends commented on  them. They asked if I had been doing yard/garden work because my hands looked rough. My nails are not the problem since I always keep them clean and manicured- it's my hands. They are dull, somewhat wrinkly, and my skin is lined. I'm thinking about doing a peel or exfoliating with something more agressive. Any suggestions or advice? I don't want my hands looking old or not as good as my face (I'm 52). I do keep them moisturized with creams and oils and always wear gloves to do dishes and housework thus minimizing their exposure to detergents or chemicals. Thank you

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Re: Rough looking hands: advice or ideas on how to fix

I switched hand soaps and it made a world of difference.
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Re: Rough looking hands: advice or ideas on how to fix

Start with exfoliating - best I found and inexpensive is coconut oil or olive oil mixed with sugar.


For a few nights slather on a very rich cream or something like pure shea butter and put on 'sleeping gloves' to force the hydration into your skin and not your sheets.


During the day use sunscreen on the back of your hands (especially when driving) and use lotion- a lot!


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Re: Rough looking hands: advice or ideas on how to fix

[ Edited ]

When I exfoliate my face, I also exfoliate my hands.  Then, I use the same moisturizer on my hands that I use on my face.  At night, before going to bed, I also put coconut oil on my nails and hands.  Also, lotion every time that your hands are in water.  While I do not have the same problem as you, I think any of us could have that problem.  I have not used my Clarisonic on my hands, but if you have one, give it a try.

The next time that I hear salt and ice together, it better be in a margarita!
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Re: Rough looking hands: advice or ideas on how to fix

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Re: Rough looking hands: advice or ideas on how to fix

I have arthritis in my hands so my Dr recommended I get a hot wax/paraffin machine.  The warmth feels good on my hands and I've found it does wonders for the appearance of the skin.


I've included a video that says how you can use the paraffin without a machine.  However, it's easier to just purchas a machine.  It isn't expensive (around 20$-25) and it will keep the melted paraffin warm.  The paraffin lasts forever.  I always make sure my hands are very clean before I use it but you can put on cheap thin plastic gloves if you are worried about keeping the paraffin clean.


You will be so happy after a few uses.  Please come back and let us know if it helped.  Google it and see all of the places they offer this.

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Re: Rough looking hands: advice or ideas on how to fix

Skinn Hand Restore will make your hands look years younger.  It's my little miracle!

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Re: Rough looking hands: advice or ideas on how to fix

@hoosieroriginal wrote:

Skinn Hand Restore will make your hands look years younger.  It's my little miracle!

Exactly what I was going to recommend!  This stuff is awesome - my absolute favorite.  I have it on A/D and always make sure to have a few extras, just so I don't run out.

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Re: Rough looking hands: advice or ideas on how to fix

I noticed a similar problem with the skin on my hands. First: check you hand soap. I switched from Philosopy and BBW to the soap rockettes and that made a big difference.

Second: I found the First Aid Repair Ultra Repair hand cream. It really works and helps to heal the skin. It is a multi task product that actualy performs. I also "treat" myself to a tube of Josie Maron's hand cream or argan balm for night time application. What a difference.

All of these products deliver results for me and last a along time.


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Registered: ‎05-22-2016

Re: Rough looking hands: advice or ideas on how to fix

When my hands get really dry I like to do a 10-minute soak with the following:


2 cups warm water in a bowl

1 cup apple cider vinegar

3 tbsp olive oil


Pat dry and apply lotion. I do this a couple times a day until my hands feel better. I have scleroderma (hard skin condition) and this saved my hands!Woman Happy