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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Rose Hip Seed Oil for Eyelash Growth

Every time I tried oil on my lashes I got blurry vision. No matter how carefully I applied it, the same results. It started taking longer and longer for my eyes to clear up so I finally had to stop using it. 


I can’t remember the brand but it was oil especially for lashes. 

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Posts: 22,400
Registered: ‎10-03-2011

Re: Rose Hip Seed Oil for Eyelash Growth

Thanks for the tip. I’m having very good success with Consult Beaute Copperum 29.  I bought it for $30 and like how it’s smoothed my lids and encourages lash growth but now it’s up to $50 and I won’t pay that.  Castor oil or Isomers Copper P Serum are also options. RHS oil would be a less costly, more easily affordable alternative.  I would apply with a mascara brush.  

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Posts: 1,180
Registered: ‎03-19-2010

Re: Rose Hip Seed Oil for Eyelash Growth

I've tried numerous oils for my lashes and always ended up washing them off no matter how careful I was.  I must be really messy!  Went back to Careprost.