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Recently I've noticed I have a patch of redness on my chest, right below my neck. It really shows up after showering or if I get upset. It doesn't seem to be itchy, be scaly, or be broken out. I'm wondering if it might be sun damage surfacing or something??? Anyone else have this? Anyway, I'm thinking of some sort of cover product for that area. Powder maybe?

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I have used the BE and the Clinique yellow powder with no luck.

It may be rosacea. If it's sundamage, you might be able to get a gentle peel like a lactic peel that may take some of it away. Red Door suggested it to me but my derm said it would be a waste of money for rosacea.

I would go to a derm and get it diagnosed.

I have it on my chest and while my facial rosacea is almost completely unnoticeable after several years of Retin A + Metro gel, sadly I can't use Retin A on my chest so the metro gel doesn't work as well there.

There is a medication that is new that has promise to reduce the redness but I am waiting to meet my deductible to try it as it is $250 a tube.

There is also a laser option.

QVC Shopper - 1993

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It sounds to me like it's just some normal flushing that happens due to stress, be it an emotional reaction or the hot water on the shower. If it was there all the time, no matter the circumstances, then I'd think it could be something that may need a treatment of some sort. But since it comes and goes, and is dependent on an outside trigger, I wouldn't worry about it. If it's in an area that might show when you're wearing a certain outfit, use some concealer or foundation on the spot.

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I think it's rosacea also. I do the same thing if I get upset or the water is too hot during a shower.

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Rosacea is heat related, whether it's from a shower, exercise, or hot food can even make your face flush.

Thee is a list of things to avoid when you have rosacea and I do all of them ;/

QVC Shopper - 1993

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My mom's neck gets red in a few areas when she gets upset. She does not have rosacea and the doctor says it is just flushing that some people get under certain circumstances, even though she never had thatt issue until she was older (probably started in her fifties).

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Could be a reaction from a harsh laundry detergent, rubbing on your collar bone area. I'd try using unscented 'free and clear' type of liquid laundry detergents. I had a rosacea type of rash on my face, many years ago, because of pillowcases that were washed in strong detergent, resulting from a vacation stay.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Registered: ‎03-29-2014
This happened to me to but for me it was actually a side affect of two different meds I was on. I googled their side effects and was surprised at how many of the side effects I had but just didn't realize that's what they were. I thought I was just weird or something. I stopped taking the meds because I couldn't live with the side effects.