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I watched a little bit of Lisa in Friday nite beauty and this is not a bash just a question. She has an extreme receding hairline when she turned sideways it was extremely noticeable. My question is knowing you have a lets call it a beauty issue and not just receding hairline why would you accentuate it rather than camouflage it like with bangs or a softer look. I mean for example take my worst feature my hips I would never choose horizontal stripes but rather a small print or solid color. Just wondering what you ladies think. Do you try to camouflage a beauty issue and what would be your reason to accentuate it if you do?
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I get what you're saying. First, Lisa is an attractive middle-aged woman. But Lordy, all the time, money, energy, life force she puts into herself boggles my mind. Lisa has extremely fine/thin hair and yes, a very noticeable receding hairline. She has mentioned it on air several times. I have always thought she has this image of herself in her own head and desperately tries to achieve it. The hairstyles she chooses are part of that image for some reason. All the self-tanning, fake nails, fake eyelashes, 1980 brown lip liner, fake hair, torture heels, etc. all prove that and prove it consistently. That image is just doing her more harm than good, IMHO. But it's her life, her choice. I just think it's all going to be kind of sad when she reaches her mid-50s. All that "fake" and over-compensation she does will work against her. JMHO.

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Maybe she is comfortable with her hairline, and has accepted the fact that it is receding.

Was Yuban, then changed to Plaid Pants due to forum upgrade, and apparently, I'm back to being Yuban.
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The last thing I would want to do is accentuate a receding hairline - but that's just me.

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On 5/24/2014 expatgal said:

I get what you're saying. First, Lisa is an attractive middle-aged woman. But Lordy, all the time, money, energy, life force she puts into herself boggles my mind. Lisa has extremely fine/thin hair and yes, a very noticeable receding hairline. She has mentioned it on air several times. I have always thought she has this image of herself in her own head and desperately tries to achieve it. The hairstyles she chooses are part of that image for some reason. All the self-tanning, fake nails, fake eyelashes, 1980 brown lip liner, fake hair, torture heels, etc. all prove that and prove it consistently. That image is just doing her more harm than good, IMHO. But it's her life, her choice. I just think it's all going to be kind of sad when she reaches her mid-50s. All that "fake" and over-compensation she does will work against her. JMHO.

{#emotions_dlg.angry} Give it a rest, first you compliment her then you tear her apart. JMHO. For goodness sakes, I thought this was a discussion on receding hair lines not a bash fest!

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When she started at the Q she wore bangs which were very attractive on her.

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What is she going to do...wear a wig? Then she would get heck for that. She says she uses JR great Hair Day powder....too much at times. Poor lady just was not blessed with good hair.
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I have fairly thick short hair with a lot of body. However, to me, the left side is receding more than I'm comfortable with. Therefore, I always style it so that I cover that area. But hey, that's just me.