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On 8/20/2014 catmama said:

HonnyBrown - use the Remoist on your cuticles and nails. It's wonderful. My cuticles are no longer ripping or dry and my nails don't have cracks or ridges anymore. My nails look like they've been buffed. I love it.

</ Mine, too! I use the Tea Tree oil on my nails every night before bed and never have any nail or skin issues anymore. My nails had become severely damaged after 20+ years of wearing acrylic nails. I had to stop because I contracted a fungal infection. I went the prescription route but it never went totally away, so I stopped the mess and started using the Tea Tree oil three times a day. Within a few months (I had to be patient), the fungus was gone, my skin was cleared up and my nails grew back in HEALTHY! It's been about a year and I've never had a recurrence. I went back to the doctor for something else a few months ago and he asked me how my skin and nails were. I said they were completely healed thanks to my WEN Tea Tree oil! He didn't seem to be impressed. I guess because I proved to him I didn't need meds. HA!

Time is just a drop in the bucket compared to eternity. It isn’t how long you live that matters; it is how well you are prepared to die. ~~Colonel Robert B. Thieme, Jr.
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HW, wow, my nail tech recommended that I get fake nails instead of a buff. I considered it for a split second.

I'm glad your nails are doing better.

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On 8/24/2014 HonnyBrown said:

Susan, are you referring to the oil or ReMoist?

I use the oil on my scalp 2-4 times a week. I use ReMoist for a few hours once a week.

HonnyBrown, I was referring to the oil. It is the best overnight treatment of all of the oils. Although, I like using the seasonal oils with my leave-in for styling my hair. A couple of drops of the summer honey peach oil is great to use and I love the smell of it.

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That's how I use TT Oil also. I started using it more than the nights prior to cleansing.

I cleansed yesterday and applied the TT Oil prior to completely drying. My scalp was nice and tingly.

The splash of water to the ReMoist worked wonders. I had insane curl definition. It's not as soft as I'd like, but curls trump soft.

Get your flu shot...because I didn't.
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HonnyBrown, Did you take advantage of the Remoist, Oil & Body Lotion OTO, the end of June? This 3 piece set was about $30 more than the oil set by itself.

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DogLvr, no I didn't. I have no use for the lotion, so it didn't make $ sense for me to buy.

I would buy a CC, Oil, RM kit if it came in TT.

Get your flu shot...because I didn't.