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Re: RLT Question - re broken capillaries on face

That's what I am afraid of happening!  My 1st treatment I saw no change in those caps but I believe it was set on to gentle of a setting as I didn't get any of the dark red or purple color on those caps.  This time I did so I am hoping that means they were destroyed and my body will get rid of them as debris needing removal.  


Yes I looked like a red faced monster worse coming out then going in LOL!  I bought this cool face visor from Amazon that I wear on drive home to protect me from any UV rays.  


I purchased a package of 3  treatments for the discount price as I know I will at least need 3.  I am hopeful this will at least help me some and any improvements would be awesome as this disease has really affected me in so many ways.


Thanks so much for sharing your experiences!  

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Re: RLT Question - re broken capillaries on face

Hi, how often do you have these treatments done to be effective to have it last for 2-3 years? What makes your skin unresponsive do you know? I've been taking care of my skin all my life but why this stuff happens I DO NOT KNOW 🥴
I'm seriously thinking of making an appointment soon and would just like to know and be informed ahead as to treatment and what to ask for and what might be available. Also to determine if the dermatologist I use is who I need to see.
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Re: RLT Question - re broken capillaries on face

May I ask you how long the dermatologist said you would have the redness after treatment? Ty
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Re: RLT Question - re broken capillaries on face

@Midmod wrote:
May I ask you how long the dermatologist said you would have the redness after treatment? Ty

@Midmod Several days of increased redness is expected and for someone like me with rosacea 3 days has been my experience.  As for the caps part I am still watching the marks it's been 10days as of today.  They are about 70% faded...just a tiny bit left so perhaps 2weeks on them.  


Remember I have many of them and then over all facial redness so it's going to be more intense treatment response from me due to my skin disease.



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Re: RLT Question - re broken capillaries on face

@Midmod wrote:
Hi, how often do you have these treatments done to be effective to have it last for 2-3 years? What makes your skin unresponsive do you know? I've been taking care of my skin all my life but why this stuff happens I DO NOT KNOW 🥴
I'm seriously thinking of making an appointment soon and would just like to know and be informed ahead as to treatment and what to ask for and what might be available. Also to determine if the dermatologist I use is who I need to see.




I usually get laser treatments about every 2 to 3 years. I have scleroderma so that makes my particular capillaries resistant to laser light's complicated. But most of my caps do go away permanently after treatment. There are new caps forming all the time so then I get them treated when they get bad enough. Sometimes the treated caps return after treatment, too. 


If you are looking to get laser treatments for broken caps then look for a cosmetic laser treatment center in your area. That's where I go. Most all of what they do involves lasers.

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Re: RLT Question - re broken capillaries on face

@SilleeMee and @tsavorite
Thanks both of you. I don't have rosacea so maybe I could expect less days of redness.
I'd be surprised if my local derm is is part of a cosmetic laser treatment center because we have almost NOTHING local. I'll have to search it. Thanks to both of you. I admit to being very ignorant 🥴
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Re: RLT Question - re broken capillaries on face


With age comes thinner skin and as the years go by there is also more damage to the skin from the sun....that's cumulative. What that amounts to is more visible capillaries (because your skin is thinner) and sometimes the formation of brown spots. 

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Re: RLT Question - re broken capillaries on face

@Midmod If you google the brand of laser the manufacturer will list for you all the local places that own that laser.  This is how I found out about Vbeam or pulsed dye laser and also Broad Band Light  and then a list in my area which derms office use them.  HTH

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Re: RLT Question - re broken capillaries on face

@tsavorite wrote:

@Midmod If you google the brand of laser the manufacturer will list for you all the local places that own that laser.  This is how I found out about Vbeam or pulsed dye laser and also Broad Band Light  and then a list in my area which derms office use them.  HTH



Broad band light is the same thing as IPL (intense pulse light). It is not laser and is limited to how deep it will treat. Works best on very superficial discolorations but often the treatments don't last very long. It's less expensive than laser, very short downtime and quick/easy/temporary solution for that special event when you don't have much time.

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Re: RLT Question - re broken capillaries on face

@Midmod wrote:
@kate2357of the beautiful hair and skin:
Kate do you feel that the Westinghouse mask lights penetrate ALL of your face?
What I mean is, I work this morning while doing some chores and I noticed that the sides of the mask don't reach completely around the sides of my face. Do you think the lights are effectively reaching all of my face? Do you feel like is as effectively reaching the areas that you need it to reach? Admittedly the areas on my face that I wanted to reach it should be reaching but still I noticed in the mirror that some places on the very sides of my face near my ears may not be getting any of the light therapy. So I just wondered what your opinion was there. I'm going to keep using my mask and then possibly sometime this year invest money with the dermatologist for laser treatments. I am also beginning to notice what you described on your cheek and your picture. I have tiny pin ****** dots on the tops of my cheeks under my eyes that are red. This is something new that has started to happen in the last few months that I've never seen before. It's not that a whole area is red, just a few pinprick dots that to me look like beginning of broken caps.


No I don't think the Westinghouse mask covers all the areas of skin I would like the red lights to go. For example, the side of face, the nose area and the area right above eyebrows. For now, I will keep using, then upgrade to Omnilux Contour mask, probably by May. Just bought a laser cap for hair growth at Costco, so I m saving up (again) for upgraded mask.

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