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I had recent procedure (medical not cosmetic) that was done by a plastic surgeon and said to decrease salt intake and use warm compress to move the moisture from under the eye. It works for me.
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I have that problem too unfortunately! It seems ALL products for pffy eyes make them puffier! All the suggestions are good, witch hazel, ice, cucumbers and the warm compresses. But if you want a quick fix amazon, CVS, Longs and any drug store carry, Sudden Magic. I believe this contains a little wheat starch, and it works. Shrinks the under eye. I wouldn't use it all the time, but a couple times a week is excellent

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Marula oil works really well for me. Got the idea from a poster here so gave it a shot and now I wouldn't use anything else. I can actually watch in the mirror as they shrink. Read it has something to do with green coffee oil but not sure where the connection comes in (meaning is that a by product of marula or related in some other way) I just know it works.

No other oil performs in any similar fashion. Maybe due to all the anit-oxidants in marula and/or it containing vit e in tocotrienol form over the more typical tocophenol in most oils. I have read that Marula oil contains 50X more antioxidants than argon.

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Registered: ‎10-12-2014

I swear by a daily lymphatic drainage massage. Since practicing this technique, I'm shocked at how much younger I look! My face looks so different when I reduce the puffiness that I used to accept as "just the way I look." It's similar to what you might experience during a session with an esthetician. No special products or potions required!

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

I have Puff-Off from Benefit. You can get a sample at Sephora, and see if you like it. I use it to brighten under eye area, then pat the rest above by the hooded area below the brow. It's not an emollient serum, so you still need eye cream. I think I like it for the slight highlighting under my eyes...don't know if it helps with hooded eyes that look sort of puffy. I think that diminishes as the day goes on anyway.

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010
On 4/8/2015 Heart of Spade said:

I swear by a daily lymphatic drainage massage. Since practicing this technique, I'm shocked at how much younger I look! My face looks so different when I reduce the puffiness that I used to accept as "just the way I look." It's similar to what you might experience during a session with an esthetician. No special products or potions required!

Where did you learn your technique? I would really like to try this.

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Posts: 1,206
Registered: ‎03-09-2010
On 4/8/2015 wackers said:

Marula oil works really well for me. Got the idea from a poster here so gave it a shot and now I wouldn't use anything else. I can actually watch in the mirror as they shrink. Read it has something to do with green coffee oil but not sure where the connection comes in (meaning is that a by product of marula or related in some other way) I just know it works.

No other oil performs in any similar fashion. Maybe due to all the anit-oxidants in marula and/or it containing vit e in tocotrienol form over the more typical tocophenol in most oils. I have read that Marula oil contains 50X more antioxidants than argon.

Hi wackers - Thanks so very much for this helpful information. I am so glad you posted here again, because I think I read your post about marula a while back, but then I forgot what kind of oil was cited and then I was unable to search back for your post! {#emotions_dlg.biggrin} May I ask where you bought the marula oil you are using - Shea Terra Organics, Garden of Wisdom...? Thanks so much for any info.!