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@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@hyacinth003 wrote:

Was watching "Tuesday Night Beauty" last night.  I seldom watch QVC before 11pm, so I haven't seen this show in ages.


I was surprised to see Shawn's hair hanging in her face.  I don't care for the striped look, but have thought the style was cute.  But not hanging in the face.


I was really surprised to hear her describe a philosophy shower gel as "dec a tent."  Huh? 


I guess I consider hosts on television as public speakers, and am really surprised when they say things like that. 


Hyacinth    Cat Surprised


Not sure what you think falls into the category of "public speakers",  but I agree that it would be nice if Shawn had a better vocabulary and was more articulate.

I consider someone who makes a living talking on television to be a public speaker!


Some things are just not cute coming from a 40+ year old woman.


I freely admit bias from my Catholic school emphasis on all things proper with the English language.  I don't know if her use of "dec a tent" was supposed to be cute or she really thinks it's said that way.  I found the description of the shower gels as called "decadent" to be descriptive enough.



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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

I think most of the hosts say things at one time or another that are incorrect, whether it be grammar, pronunciation, or vocabulary.  I also think it is a more difficut job than some people think.  They do not read a monitor like a news anchor or have a script like an actor so I am willing to give them a pass once in a while. 


I think they could try be more professional in their speech, but obviously, it is not that important to the Q's producers, because it hasn't changed. I think it has become progressively worse in the last few years and not just on the Q.  I always shake my head when I hear or read something that is obviously incorrect.