@Awomanofherown wrote:
Would anyone like to share what they love most in Perricone that have seen results. I usually buy on their website when they have 50% off and some times they offer half off on one of the daily news shows in the morning.
@Awomanofherown I use a number of different lines but Perricone is my core line since it has always shown me the most results. I love the eye serum, which has noticeably lifted my lid somewhat. I was noticing a slight change that I was not liking and once I started using the serum, the change reversed and my eye area absolutely improved and looked more lifted. I purchased the last TSV, Cold Plasma kit, and actually, AFTER ONE USE, which I wrote about in another post shortly after receiving, I did notice my skin was a lot softer and seemed very slightly tighter. I also use a number of other products from this line. I'm in my mid 60s and have no wrinkles at all, but I do have some crows feet and laugh lines/expression lines. I truly feel the Perricone products that I use help to maintain my skin's appearance and in some cases improve it. Whether real or imagined, and I'm not expecting miracles, I'm happy with the products that I use from Perricone.