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For those of you who use or have used peptide serums, what has been your experience?  As background, I started getting serious about my skin care in early January and have been using Vitamin C, peptides, tranexamic acid, lactic acid, retin a, sunscreen, moisturizer, etc.  Not all at the same time, obviously, and at the appropriate time of day and with the appropriate other skin care items.

I got advice here and also watched a gazillion YouTube videos from Doctorly, Hot & Flashy, Dr. Shereene Idriss, Dr. Dray, etc.  So I believe I am using effective products, in the correct order, and at the correct time.

I like and see benefit in everything I am using, peptide serum.  I have now used two different ones, and while I like the feel of them, are they really necessary?  Have they or are they making a difference in your skin?  Of everything I'm using, this is one thing I'm wondering about stopping but will continue if all of you think it's worth it. (I know the YouTuber's I watch say to use them, but I am wondering about real life experiences.)

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Re: Peptide Serums

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I use a peptide serum mostly b/c it helps with hydration. Peptides are small pieces of protein which are good at holding water close to the skin which can improve the look of fine lines/wrinkles. They can also help deliver other ingredients into your skin by acting like 'messengers'. I like to mix mine with a moisturizer and a THDA vitamin C serum in the morning. 

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@Ainhisg - I am a proponent of peptides and won't be without them.  Aside from RetinA (Tretinoin) and Vitamin C, I consider peptides and Niacinamide the other heavy hitters in my routine.  Since you have only been serious about your skincare for four months, it may be too soon to see the impact, but that doesn't mean your peptide serum isn't doing anything.  Certain things work at lower levels rather than the surface.  Peptides do many things; increase hydration, encourage the production of collagen and elastin, lessen inflammation, increase barrier function, increase plumpness and firmness, encourage better skin texture, to name a few. These are enhanced when paired with niacinamide.


I consider my routine as the whole team doing their part.  Because I use multiple products I cannot attribute what I see in the mirror to one specific thing I do.  I've said this before, not in vanity but fact - I have sisters who have done little to no regular skincare ever and they looked a heck of a lot more wrinkled, dull, and old when they were my age than I do now. I have very few wrinkles, my skin is clear, smooth, and soft, and my face looks younger than my true age.

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I feel the same way. I've been on Retin A alternating with acids since I was 30, and I am 57 now. I have tried peptides on and off throughout that time. I cannot ascribe any real, visible benefits to the peptides. Maybe they are helping with moisturizing or helping like little elves on a microscopic level? Right now, I am using copper peptides in a serum. After I finish this bottle, unless a miracle occurs, I think I am done.

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There are so many peptides used in skincare today that it would be impossible to list them all here and explain what each one does. On top of that there are more peptides being invented everyday. But in general terms there are five basic categories of peptides used in skincare. Here's a simplified chart showing what they are and what they can do:


Picky Guide: All About Peptides - Picky | The K-Beauty Hot Place

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I have really sensitive skin.  A lot of things don't work well and I can say I have not seen anything positive that peptide serums have done for me, and some have caused breakouts.  So I'm not a fan.


I do believe however that what makes the biggest difference for me is diet.  Enough good vegetables and fruits, organic when I can, a little good-type fat, enough water, less salt, and the difference is dramatic for me.  

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I have used all of the Matrixyls and Argirilines out there, none did any visible good for my skin. 

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I get what you are saying  - I am pretty much in the same boat.  I love my Trentinion ( I have sensitive but combo oily skin).  I love my Vit. C, 2x week exfoliant lactic acid, moisturizer, sunscreen and I have been using a copper peptide for a year.  I mainly use it to calm my super sensitive skin from the other products  But honestly, I do not know if it is making such a grand difference to warrant the cost $$$ and time. I try not to complicate my skin routine because I won't do it otherwise.   My derm said to stop using it for a month or two and see if you notice a big difference, as skin needs change seasonally and as we age.  I think I will do that and see if I get any redness from my layering products.  I tell you it's a balancing act. 

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I use the Dr.Denese skincare line of products and am very pleased with the results. It keeps it simple to use and see results. There is a peptide serum in her line and it really works for me. You might consider that in your routine and see if you get the results that you want. Good Lucck!

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Re: Peptide Serums

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Honestly, I think a lot of this stuff's effects are  so subtle that you don't really see a difference because we are looking in the mirror everyday and just don't notice.

I think we notice when we compare ourselves to others or after awhile maybe we look in the mirror one day and say wow my face looks brighter, etc but that takes awhile....

I use this stuff just trusting and crossing my fingers that it's working.

Right now other than the basics (retin A, vitamin c and moisturizer) I'm using 2 Timeless serums, the Matrixyl Synthe 6 serum and the Coenzyme Q10 (which also contains peptides, I forget the one) and I also alternate between different peptide serums when not using those.

Who knows which thing is doing what....if it's something individual or in combination? But I keep trying!haha



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