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Paula's Choice complimentary samples with an order

I'm doing a Paula's Choice order, which I haven't done in quite a few months, and I noticed there are no longer free samples being offered at checkout.  I see there's been an inventory issue with samples since late January. 


Does anyone know any more info than this?  Do you think they'll every come back?  It's been 2 months and the inventory issue isn't resolved.  Just curious if anyone had more info. 


I really loved the samples and have found a few products that I purchased and repurchased because of them.  I'll also usually buy a couple when I do an order.  Thanks for any info.   

*QVC Community member since 10/24/2006*
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Re: Paula's Choice complimentary samples with an order

I received a catalogue with samples and 20% off coupon.

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Posts: 1,595
Registered: ‎03-18-2010

Re: Paula's Choice complimentary samples with an order

Paula mentioned on her Facebook that they were out of samples and waiting for a shipment.  Yes, when they come in we will be able to get the free samples with an order.