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Registered: ‎06-13-2012

Re: Ot/ how cautious are you?

On 7/22/2014 beaches21 said: Okay girls, my fears have happened today. I had an altercation with a man who violated my property big time. I do not want to disclose all the details but he invaded not only my property but my neighbors as well. He was in a large vehicle that could have caused great damage. Evidentally he does this frequently without being detected because he was going at a pretty high rate of speed and made a turn right onto my property and parked his vehicle which was almost the width of the sidewalk on top of it. I was horrified when I heard the screeching sounds. I walked down (his passenger window) closed and asked him "what are you doing you cannot park here". He responded in broken English, flaring his arms, that. I had a problem and I needed to learn how to talk to people. excuse me? He's the one with the problem having no respect for a persons property (didn't say it) I began to walk to my door because at this point he practically jumped from the drivers seat to the passengers. And he said I'm not moving it. As. I was walking I see a "renter" walking to meet him. He was picking someone up for work. I think this guy does this everyday. Cameras are going in and from now on I don't go to the front without my phone,pepper spray and I will be ordering a few air horns.

beaches, I am sorry this happened. Next time, I would not engage in an argument or discussion with this person. If this is happening often and they are parking on your property without your permission, write down their license number and call the police (non-emergency number). If it happens around the same time of day, sometimes they police will do an extra patrol around that time.

Technically the sidewalk is not really your property but considered the right of way for the city, county, whatever, so I am not sure if there is anything they will do about that unless they are truly on your property- your lawn, your driveway, that kind of thing. But perhaps I misunderstood your post as to where he actually was?

Respected Contributor
Posts: 4,997
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Ot/ how cautious are you?

I live in a suburb of Chicago. Been here since 1986. Prior to that I lived in Chicago.

I felt safe in my house and being out any time of the day or night until the last few years.

The population here has doubled since we moved here. A lot of building and retail have located here. This has brought in people from other places.

There has been an increase in crime from prank kids up to murder more recently. A lot of the crime comes now from elsewhere.

I no longer feel safe. We are considering a gun.


Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,749
Registered: ‎11-21-2011

Re: Ot/ how cautious are you?

On 7/23/2014 HappyDaze said:
On 7/22/2014 beaches21 said: Okay girls, my fears have happened today. I had an altercation with a man who violated my property big time. I do not want to disclose all the details but he invaded not only my property but my neighbors as well. He was in a large vehicle that could have caused great damage. Evidentally he does this frequently without being detected because he was going at a pretty high rate of speed and made a turn right onto my property and parked his vehicle which was almost the width of the sidewalk on top of it. I was horrified when I heard the screeching sounds. I walked down (his passenger window) closed and asked him "what are you doing you cannot park here". He responded in broken English, flaring his arms, that. I had a problem and I needed to learn how to talk to people. excuse me? He's the one with the problem having no respect for a persons property (didn't say it) I began to walk to my door because at this point he practically jumped from the drivers seat to the passengers. And he said I'm not moving it. As. I was walking I see a "renter" walking to meet him. He was picking someone up for work. I think this guy does this everyday. Cameras are going in and from now on I don't go to the front without my phone,pepper spray and I will be ordering a few air horns.

beaches, I am sorry this happened. Next time, I would not engage in an argument or discussion with this person. If this is happening often and they are parking on your property without your permission, write down their license number and call the police (non-emergency number). If it happens around the same time of day, sometimes they police will do an extra patrol around that time.

Technically the sidewalk is not really your property but considered the right of way for the city, county, whatever, so I am not sure if there is anything they will do about that unless they are truly on your property- your lawn, your driveway, that kind of thing. But perhaps I misunderstood your post as to where he actually was?

Hi HD, yes, where we live the sidewalk in front of your house is your property and responsibility and no one parks on sidewalks. We just put in this sidewalk when we did the front on our house. Not only that it was a huge industrial type van and there is an oil tank under that sidewalk. Tonight I will be on my porch with my opine and pepper spray and I will be getting his plate number. Once I have the plate I am filing a report of the incident so if there is any problems it will be on file. Can I ask you where does one purchase a laser thingy? Mi will get one of them until my permit papers come through.
Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,749
Registered: ‎11-21-2011

Re: Ot/ how cautious are you?

On 7/23/2014 beaches21 said:
On 7/23/2014 HappyDaze said:
On 7/22/2014 beaches21 said: Okay girls, my fears have happened today. I had an altercation with a man who violated my property big time. I do not want to disclose all the details but he invaded not only my property but my neighbors as well. He was in a large vehicle that could have caused great damage. Evidentally he does this frequently without being detected because he was going at a pretty high rate of speed and made a turn right onto my property and parked his vehicle which was almost the width of the sidewalk on top of it. I was horrified when I heard the screeching sounds. I walked down (his passenger window) closed and asked him "what are you doing you cannot park here". He responded in broken English, flaring his arms, that. I had a problem and I needed to learn how to talk to people. excuse me? He's the one with the problem having no respect for a persons property (didn't say it) I began to walk to my door because at this point he practically jumped from the drivers seat to the passengers. And he said I'm not moving it. As. I was walking I see a "renter" walking to meet him. He was picking someone up for work. I think this guy does this everyday. Cameras are going in and from now on I don't go to the front without my phone,pepper spray and I will be ordering a few air horns.

beaches, I am sorry this happened. Next time, I would not engage in an argument or discussion with this person. If this is happening often and they are parking on your property without your permission, write down their license number and call the police (non-emergency number). If it happens around the same time of day, sometimes they police will do an extra patrol around that time.

Technically the sidewalk is not really your property but considered the right of way for the city, county, whatever, so I am not sure if there is anything they will do about that unless they are truly on your property- your lawn, your driveway, that kind of thing. But perhaps I misunderstood your post as to where he actually was?

Hi HD, yes, where we live the sidewalk in front of your house is your property and responsibility and no one parks on sidewalks. We just put in this sidewalk when we did the front on our house. Not only that it was a huge industrial type van and there is an oil tank under that sidewalk. Tonight I will be on my porch with my phone and pepper spray and I will be getting his plate number. Once I have the plate I am filing a report of the incident so if there is any problems it will be on file. Can I ask you where does one purchase a laser thingy? Mi will get one of them until my permit papers come through.
Super Contributor
Posts: 2,442
Registered: ‎06-28-2013

Re: Ot/ how cautious are you?

On 7/23/2014 HappyDaze said:
On 7/22/2014 beaches21 said: Okay girls, my fears have happened today. I had an altercation with a man who violated my property big time. I do not want to disclose all the details but he invaded not only my property but my neighbors as well. He was in a large vehicle that could have caused great damage. Evidentally he does this frequently without being detected because he was going at a pretty high rate of speed and made a turn right onto my property and parked his vehicle which was almost the width of the sidewalk on top of it. I was horrified when I heard the screeching sounds. I walked down (his passenger window) closed and asked him "what are you doing you cannot park here". He responded in broken English, flaring his arms, that. I had a problem and I needed to learn how to talk to people. excuse me? He's the one with the problem having no respect for a persons property (didn't say it) I began to walk to my door because at this point he practically jumped from the drivers seat to the passengers. And he said I'm not moving it. As. I was walking I see a "renter" walking to meet him. He was picking someone up for work. I think this guy does this everyday. Cameras are going in and from now on I don't go to the front without my phone,pepper spray and I will be ordering a few air horns.

beaches, I am sorry this happened. Next time, I would not engage in an argument or discussion with this person. If this is happening often and they are parking on your property without your permission, write down their license number and call the police (non-emergency number). If it happens around the same time of day, sometimes they police will do an extra patrol around that time.

Technically the sidewalk is not really your property but considered the right of way for the city, county, whatever, so I am not sure if there is anything they will do about that unless they are truly on your property- your lawn, your driveway, that kind of thing. But perhaps I misunderstood your post as to where he actually was?

ITA, Happy.

It's gotten so bad nowadays that you can't even look cross-eyed or whatever at someone - especially a guy - so please don't confront them. Arrogance and anger issues seem to be at their all-time highest.

Even your family member (yes!), friend, or neighbor could have negative emotional issues that you're not aware of; many people are very good actors publicly.

Please remember that there's ALWAYS more than meets the eye, and everyone has a story.

Super Contributor
Posts: 2,442
Registered: ‎06-28-2013

Re: Ot/ how cautious are you?

On 7/23/2014 beaches21 said:
On 7/23/2014 HappyDaze said:
On 7/22/2014 beaches21 said: Okay girls, my fears have happened today. I had an altercation with a man who violated my property big time. I do not want to disclose all the details but he invaded not only my property but my neighbors as well. He was in a large vehicle that could have caused great damage. Evidentally he does this frequently without being detected because he was going at a pretty high rate of speed and made a turn right onto my property and parked his vehicle which was almost the width of the sidewalk on top of it. I was horrified when I heard the screeching sounds. I walked down (his passenger window) closed and asked him "what are you doing you cannot park here". He responded in broken English, flaring his arms, that. I had a problem and I needed to learn how to talk to people. excuse me? He's the one with the problem having no respect for a persons property (didn't say it) I began to walk to my door because at this point he practically jumped from the drivers seat to the passengers. And he said I'm not moving it. As. I was walking I see a "renter" walking to meet him. He was picking someone up for work. I think this guy does this everyday. Cameras are going in and from now on I don't go to the front without my phone,pepper spray and I will be ordering a few air horns.

beaches, I am sorry this happened. Next time, I would not engage in an argument or discussion with this person. If this is happening often and they are parking on your property without your permission, write down their license number and call the police (non-emergency number). If it happens around the same time of day, sometimes they police will do an extra patrol around that time.

Technically the sidewalk is not really your property but considered the right of way for the city, county, whatever, so I am not sure if there is anything they will do about that unless they are truly on your property- your lawn, your driveway, that kind of thing. But perhaps I misunderstood your post as to where he actually was?

Hi HD, yes, where we live the sidewalk in front of your house is your property and responsibility and no one parks on sidewalks. We just put in this sidewalk when we did the front on our house. Not only that it was a huge industrial type van and there is an oil tank under that sidewalk. Tonight I will be on my porch with my opine and pepper spray and I will be getting his plate number. Once I have the plate I am filing a report of the incident so if there is any problems it will be on file. Can I ask you where does one purchase a laser thingy? Mi will get one of them until my permit papers come through.

You could also take photos and/or videos of everything; nothing like a good visual aid! Smiley Wink

I know you asked HD (sorry), but I got my own stun gun with key chain thingy at Amazon; it's called the "Streetwise Smack", heh heh. There are also ones that come with a flashlight as she mentioned, but I already have a light ('Eveready', with strobe action) attached.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,094
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Ot/ how cautious are you?

are you my neighbor?????

My area has changed too. I am consciencely aware of it I have put alarms on my doors which at one time were NEVER locked.

I'm a little nervous and that is growing alarmingly.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 34,869
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Ot/ how cautious are you?

Yes... to everything!

I carry Mace (purchased from a "Spy" store, where names are recorded -- policemen buy some of their equipment at this store). I have ALWAYS carried it... even in my late 20's.

The more awareness you display (of surroundings) the less you look like "prey."

People might read the book "The Gift of Fear" by Gavin McGaw.

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
Honored Contributor
Posts: 15,740
Registered: ‎09-01-2010

Re: Ot/ how cautious are you?

I am always very cautious, regardless of where I am, and what I'm doing. I have never been afraid in my home, although I live very rural. I have not taken a self defense class, nor do I carry pepper spray. I do have a concealed weapons permit, and always hit my target, so Heaven help the dumba$$ who messes with me.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,749
Registered: ‎11-21-2011

Re: Ot/ how cautious are you?

On 7/23/2014 Feline Fine said:
On 7/23/2014 beaches21 said:
On 7/23/2014 HappyDaze said:
On 7/22/2014 beaches21 said: Okay girls, my fears have happened today. I had an altercation with a man who violated my property big time. I do not want to disclose all the details but he invaded not only my property but my neighbors as well. He was in a large vehicle that could have caused great damage. Evidentally he does this frequently without being detected because he was going at a pretty high rate of speed and made a turn right onto my property and parked his vehicle which was almost the width of the sidewalk on top of it. I was horrified when I heard the screeching sounds. I walked down (his passenger window) closed and asked him "what are you doing you cannot park here". He responded in broken English, flaring his arms, that. I had a problem and I needed to learn how to talk to people. excuse me? He's the one with the problem having no respect for a persons property (didn't say it) I began to walk to my door because at this point he practically jumped from the drivers seat to the passengers. And he said I'm not moving it. As. I was walking I see a "renter" walking to meet him. He was picking someone up for work. I think this guy does this everyday. Cameras are going in and from now on I don't go to the front without my phone,pepper spray and I will be ordering a few air horns.

beaches, I am sorry this happened. Next time, I would not engage in an argument or discussion with this person. If this is happening often and they are parking on your property without your permission, write down their license number and call the police (non-emergency number). If it happens around the same time of day, sometimes they police will do an extra patrol around that time.

Technically the sidewalk is not really your property but considered the right of way for the city, county, whatever, so I am not sure if there is anything they will do about that unless they are truly on your property- your lawn, your driveway, that kind of thing. But perhaps I misunderstood your post as to where he actually was?

Hi HD, yes, where we live the sidewalk in front of your house is your property and responsibility and no one parks on sidewalks. We just put in this sidewalk when we did the front on our house. Not only that it was a huge industrial type van and there is an oil tank under that sidewalk. Tonight I will be on my porch with my opine and pepper spray and I will be getting his plate number. Once I have the plate I am filing a report of the incident so if there is any problems it will be on file. Can I ask you where does one purchase a laser thingy? Mi will get one of them until my permit papers come through.

You could also take photos and/or videos of everything; nothing like a good visual aid! Smiley Wink

I know you asked HD (sorry), but I got my own stun gun with key chain thingy at Amazon; it's called the "Streetwise Smack", heh heh. There are also ones that come with a flashlight as she mentioned, but I already have a light ('Eveready', with strobe action) attached.

Thanks for the info I'll be looking into today not sure if they will ship to my state though but will check it out.