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Re: Ot/ how cautious are you?

On 7/22/2014 goldenretriever said:

Instead of pepper spray, I bought some air horns- for my house, & also a small one for my purse.

I read that these are a HUGE deterrent for slimeballs. As I think I mentioned above, I did have to use mine because of an attempted break-in. The 2 air horns I have in my house are the "Marine" type, & they ARE LOUD!! When the guy was at my back door, & my dog was going nuts, I pushed the horn button, & whoa!

Before I pushed the button, I very quickly told my Golden what I'd be doing. I thought he'd probably pee on the carpet because of the sound. But no....he's so brilliant...he knew what it was for (God Bless my pup!) He looked at the horn, then looked at the door where the guy was. My dog didn't even flinch- I couldn't believe it.

After this episode, I bought the small one for my purse. These horn definitely draw attention.

Good boy! {#emotions_dlg.thumbup1}

So awesome that animals are naturally psychic, especially with their loved ones. And that Goldens -, my favorite purebreed, BTW - are high on both the doggy IQ and EQ (emotional intelligence) lists. 8-)

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Re: Ot/ how cautious are you?

On 7/22/2014 Feline Fine said:
On 7/22/2014 goldenretriever said:

Instead of pepper spray, I bought some air horns- for my house, & also a small one for my purse.

I read that these are a HUGE deterrent for slimeballs. As I think I mentioned above, I did have to use mine because of an attempted break-in. The 2 air horns I have in my house are the "Marine" type, & they ARE LOUD!! When the guy was at my back door, & my dog was going nuts, I pushed the horn button, & whoa!

Before I pushed the button, I very quickly told my Golden what I'd be doing. I thought he'd probably pee on the carpet because of the sound. But no....he's so brilliant...he knew what it was for (God Bless my pup!) He looked at the horn, then looked at the door where the guy was. My dog didn't even flinch- I couldn't believe it.

After this episode, I bought the small one for my purse. These horn definitely draw attention.

Good boy! {#emotions_dlg.thumbup1}

So awesome that animals are naturally psychic, especially with their loved ones. And that Goldens -, my favorite purebreed, BTW - are high on both the doggy IQ and EQ (emotional intelligence) lists. 8-)

I miss my dog so much, never worried when she was here. She was the best dog I ever owned, she never barked but when she did you knew something was really wrong. She would go from her calm normal self to a threatening watchdog in a split second. As much as I would love to rescue another one it's really not a good time for it.
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Re: Ot/ how cautious are you?

Honestly - I believe violence has always been around, but with social media, tv etc. we hear a lot more about it. There are many more people on the face of the earth than a couple of decades ago plus the poor economic situation contributes as well.

I try not to watch too much news (I read a book that said it is a lot of negativity and fear is generated by their need for ratings) but DO keep up on current events (I refuse to bury my head either). I won't live in fear my whole life - but AM very 'street' savvy when it comes to being aware.

I agree with the people who do not want to own a gun - it is a huge responsibility and I think that some (SOME) folks are using it as a 'statement' when involved in an argument that normally might be resolved another way. Recently a group of people (neighbors) in my town ended up shooting each other in the legs and getting arrested - yep all FIVE of them - over an argument. Makes me shudder.

I DO believe in the right to bear arms (my dad did) I just choose not to at this point in my life. I think the person who noted her dad was a gunsmith and did not recommend them as a resolution to situations is very en point. I know far too many who have been victims of violence due to a gun being someplace it did not need to be.

Not looking for arguments - this IS my opinion and I am not planning on changing it any time soon. One last thought - it is very sad to me to go to a local business and see a big sign on the door stating 'No Guns' - before it used to be 'No Shirt No Service'. {#emotions_dlg.sad}

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Re: Ot/ how cautious are you?

Smile Beaches

Don't you feel honored when a dog goes all-out to protect you? I'm sure you really miss your pup. I've rescued dogs where the owner says the dog "never barks". Well, after they've been with me they go in to protection mode. Goldens aren't normally known for their "guard-doggin"" abilities. But ALL mine have protected current Golden being the most protective. He's always watched out for me, but since the attempted break-in something clicked in his brain. He's now on high-alert all the time (which I SO appreciate!)

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Re: Ot/ how cautious are you?

On 7/22/2014 orange said:

Honestly - I believe violence has always been around, but with social media, tv etc. we hear a lot more about it. There are many more people on the face of the earth than a couple of decades ago plus the poor economic situation contributes as well.

I try not to watch too much news (I read a book that said it is a lot of negativity and fear is generated by their need for ratings) but DO keep up on current events (I refuse to bury my head either). I won't live in fear my whole life - but AM very 'street' savvy when it comes to being aware.

I agree with the people who do not want to own a gun - it is a huge responsibility and I think that some (SOME) folks are using it as a 'statement' when involved in an argument that normally might be resolved another way. Recently a group of people (neighbors) in my town ended up shooting each other in the legs and getting arrested - yep all FIVE of them - over an argument. Makes me shudder.

I DO believe in the right to bear arms (my dad did) I just choose not to at this point in my life. I think the person who noted her dad was a gunsmith and did not recommend them as a resolution to situations is very en point. I know far too many who have been victims of violence due to a gun being someplace it did not need to be.

Not looking for arguments - this IS my opinion and I am not planning on changing it any time soon. One last thought - it is very sad to me to go to a local business and see a big sign on the door stating 'No Guns' - before it used to be 'No Shirt No Service'. {#emotions_dlg.sad}

Very true, but it keeps escalating due to the ever-increasing current factors:

*arrogance issues

*anger issues

*entitlement issues

*no concern for the consequence(s) they'll have to pay

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Re: Ot/ how cautious are you?

Hi Feline

Thanks for your sweet comments about my Golden...and yes, they are THE BEST. Btw, I also have kitties, & he adores them.

I agree with you about the current crime situation. If people think it's the same as it's always been, they are sadly mistaken. Crime is escalating SO fast right now. People used to have a certain respect for the law & possible consequences. I feel that's slipping away. Just look at how many police officers are fired at or killed. It happens constantly, & it used to be so rare. I'm not sure our country will recover from the mess we're in, & it makes me very sad to say that.

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Re: Ot/ how cautious are you?

On 7/22/2014 goldenretriever said:

Hi Feline

Thanks for your sweet comments about my Golden...and yes, they are THE BEST. Btw, I also have kitties, & he adores them.

I agree with you about the current crime situation. If people think it's the same as it's always been, they are sadly mistaken. Crime is escalating SO fast right now. People used to have a certain respect for the law & possible consequences. I feel that's slipping away. Just look at how many police officers are fired at or killed. It happens constantly, & it used to be so rare. I'm not sure our country will recover from the mess we're in, & it makes me very sad to say that.

Hey, GR; cuddles and hugs to your Golden boy, as well as your kitty babies. It must be so cute - and often very funny - seeing them interact! Pets give us the gift of comedy everyday, bless their hearts.

ITA with you as well about the denial that most people are in, and the fact that they subconsciously feel totally untouchable. Maybe it's due to the ever-increasing (and truly disgusting, IMO) self importance that more and more seem to feel and display. It's like as long as they get the very last word in, nothing else matters. And it's especially scary when it comes to guys - no matter their age - as they commit the majority of violent crimes.

Kids don't come into this world already evil or cruel, and they unfortunately cannot choose who will raise them. Which is why, I'm sorry to say, I mostly blame whoever has, as most personality traits come directly from childhood and babyhood. And the very first thing that should be - but is not often - taught is empathy for all other living beings, everywhere. I was very fortunate in that respect.

Oh, well... I truly hope that they these dense naysayers soon get their heads out from up their rear ends, or they may regret it someday, especially if they have innocent dependents.

And I can empathize with the sadness you feel, too. I'm on the Interwebz almost 24/7, and these brutality and bullying 'trends' seems to be increasing all over this world, but especially in the U.S. where violence is glorified and often admired.

Thanks for sharing your stories about your kids; they're always enjoyable. Love your siggy, BTW. 8)


"I love my Kongs!", says this Golden

sgr13613a.png (550×550)

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Re: Ot/ how cautious are you?

Feline Fine - Surely you're not referring to any of the lovely posters here, who took the time to respond on this thread, when you call out the "dense naysayers" who need to "take their heads out" of their behinds?

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Re: Ot/ how cautious are you?


What cute pics of that older Golden!

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Registered: ‎06-28-2013

Re: Ot/ how cautious are you?

On 7/22/2014 Colonel Meow said:

Feline Fine - Surely you're not referring to any of the lovely posters here, who took the time to respond on this thread, when you call out the "dense naysayers" who need to "take their heads out" of their behinds?

No, Meow, at least most. Smiley Wink

And if I offended anyone, I meant that stuff half-jokingly, as I'm always concerned for others - especially animals and children, who are rarely empowered - and feel that sometimes it would take a knock to the head, in a totally cartoonish way, to get through to some people, ya know?