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Registered: ‎03-16-2010

@tototwo wrote:

I saw an LG presentation on her Ethereal Primer yesterday and thought "Yikes!  who wants to shine like that?!?"    But, the good thing is, you certainly wouldn't need a flashlight -- your face would light up a dark room. 


I've battled with a greasy, oily complexion since I was a teenager.  That kind of shiny glow doesn't appeal to me -- but I understand that some ladies might want a little illumination.  That face primer seemed to be over the top.

@tototwo Laura  Geller and her team must have been using much more Ethereal Spackle than one would need for real life makeup priming (or use with no makeup).  I use Ethereal quite a bit and it gives my skin a radiance, but worn under makeup it's a radiance which makes your as old as we are friends wonder how you can look so bright and healthy. It's certainly not slick and greasy looking.  I'll refrain from comments about the TSV because not one presentation influenced me to order it.