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Posts: 16,566
Registered: ‎04-04-2014

They've discontinued the tube container with the brush on the side (came in a little  zippered pouch). The good news is they're now half price on most websites! The bad news is the pickings are slim; especially if you want the saturated reds (which is what my daughter wanted). I picked up 3 from CRC (camera ready cosmetics) interesting site btw.

They are now 'ready to wear' in a the usual screw cap/brush in the handle tube...

OCC is100% Vegan and cruelty free.


Warning: they're made with peppermint oil (in case you're sensitive)

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Posts: 20,143
Registered: ‎04-18-2012

Re: OCC Lip Tars discontinued!

Yes, this started months ago. I got some great deals back when they went 50% off. 

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Honored Contributor
Posts: 16,566
Registered: ‎04-04-2014

Re: OCC Lip Tars discontinued!

I just found out Woman Sad