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Re: O/T anyone here use yahoo email?

I use Yahoo email and have nothing but problems for over a week.

I get a message saying I don't have the latest version of IE (I do). I cannot switch from the version of email (basic I presume) even though I previously had the other version.

I've explored solutions/suggestions given on their community website and tried a few. None worked.

Contacted customer care and they were no help in that they told me it appeared I was using IE 7 (I'm not). Gave a few other suggestions. I've deleted the mail out of frustration. Why bother?

Viewing/opening it in Chrome worked, but I still don't understand what the problem is using IE.

I've given up for now. It is too frustrating to spend hours trying to resolve these issues. At least to me.

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Re: O/T anyone here use yahoo email?

I use IE 8 with no issues. I have some issues on other sites though because of my older browser.

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Re: O/T anyone here use yahoo email?

It's finally working ok but I did install a new anti-virus program and ran a complete scan and now it's ok. Don't know if that made the difference though.

dooBdoo thanks so much for those links! I've used yahoo for many years and it'll be a pain to stop using them , I also have an earthlink account and use it for personal contacts because I get so much trash on yahoo.

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Re: O/T anyone here use yahoo email?

NO problems with Yahoo mail for me. I just opened my mail up but from time to time it will shut down and I receive a message. It does not happen often and it usually does not last long.

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Re: O/T anyone here use yahoo email?

I had a problem with Yahoo email maybe 8 years ago. For some reason, all of my emails were being forwarded to the alternate email I had listed in my profile. Even after I removed that email address and put in another, they were still going to that email address.

I emailed the free yahoo customer support and all I would get is the stock answer and to read the Help section online. I couldn't get a warm body anywhere.

Finally I found a phone number for someone in advertising sales for Yahoo. She took pity on my and got someone to fix in like 3 minutes.

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Re: O/T anyone here use yahoo email?

On 10/29/2014 Nadine said:

It's finally working ok but I did install a new anti-virus program and ran a complete scan and now it's ok. Don't know if that made the difference though.

dooBdoo thanks so much for those links! I've used yahoo for many years and it'll be a pain to stop using them , I also have an earthlink account and use it for personal contacts because I get so much trash on yahoo.

Hi, Nadine!Smile You're welcome. One of the great things about the down-detection sites is that the comments often provide helpful, practical fixes for others.

(Sometimes the comments are off-the-wall, too, but that goes with the territory.{#emotions_dlg.laugh})

Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova