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Re: O/T ~ Sending Birthday Cards...

I've always sent birthday cards to close friends and family members (mine and my husband's). Don't get that many in return from hubby's family.

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Re: O/T ~ Sending Birthday Cards...

I don't send birthday cards to friends or extended family. I usually just call them or email them.

However, I always give cards to my immediate family, parents, and siblings. In turn, they give cards to me. I would continue to give cards even if they stopped.

As far as Christmas Cards go, I will send to certain people even if they don't send to me. There are some people who just don't have the time or energy to send them out and that's totally understandable.

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Re: O/T ~ Sending Birthday Cards...

I still send birthday cards to very close friends but others I will post a "Happy Birthday" on Facebook. I do still send Christmas cards, I enjoy sending them. I sometimes do a family photo, when I can get all four of us together. It doesn't matter to me if I get a card from someone, I'll still send them one. I do text "Happy Birthday" to my nephews and niece instead of sending them a card, it's what their generation likes, so it's what I do. Whatever I do I do because I want to, it makes me feel good.

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Re: O/T ~ Sending Birthday Cards...

If I want to (and I remember in time) I send a card - I don't really keep score of what people send me. I just don't remember. Ditto xmas cards.

People are always so happy to get a card - so to me that is reward enough.

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Re: O/T ~ Sending Birthday Cards...

I don't send cards based on whether I receive them from someone. If it is someone I see regularly I might give them the card when I see them.

I mail cards to a few friends/family who live far away.

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Re: O/T ~ Sending Birthday Cards...

On 8/4/2014 Colonel Meow said:

Sadly, I'm of the generation that does everything on facebook or via email/text. {#emotions_dlg.sad} I am really the only person among my friends who actually sends cards on special occasions, and I do this knowing full well that the gesture will not be reciprocated.

I find that most people around my age can't even be bothered to pick up the phone and actually call you to wish you a happy birthday, much less send a heartfelt card. I most often receive birthday wishes via text, because I don't do facebook.

You belong to the most selfish generation. Do your friends make it all about themselves and their kids....taking babies to restaurants and flying them on airplanes just to vacation and annoy everyone around them? You are the exception and I hope you find others like yourself to befriend.

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Re: O/T ~ Sending Birthday Cards...

On 8/5/2014 Hayfield said:

I still send birthday cards to very close friends but others I will post a "Happy Birthday" on Facebook. I do still send Christmas cards, I enjoy sending them. I sometimes do a family photo, when I can get all four of us together. It doesn't matter to me if I get a card from someone, I'll still send them one. I do text "Happy Birthday" to my nephews and niece instead of sending them a card, it's what their generation likes, so it's what I do. Whatever I do I do because I want to, it makes me feel good.

THANK YOU! All the moaning/groaning of reciprocating YOUR actions is selfish. You should be doing these things because they make YOU feel good...regardless if you get anything back. I don't have the type of friends that "keep score" like's too toxic. Ick.

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Re: O/T ~ Sending Birthday Cards...

In my family, we all send cards for birthday, Christmas, anniversary or other special events. I like to receive them, have them on display in my home and send them. Much, much nicer than an email. I like to pick out special cards for people and write in them. I just think it's a nice personal touch that seems to be lost by a lot of people and it's something that e-mails don't do. I send them to family and special people in my life. I may send an email and write something on Facebook and or call someone on their special day in addition to sending a card.

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Re: O/T ~ Sending Birthday Cards...

I come from a long line of card senders. I send birthday cards to all of my friends and family regardless of whether or not I receive them. Gives me a chance to tell them they are loved and reminds me how many neat people I have in my life. I get as much if not more out of it than they do!

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: O/T ~ Sending Birthday Cards...

I very very very seldom send cards anymore. Yes, I give a card for a wedding (with a check of course... but other than that/very seldom. I also do not care if I get any. For many many years I worked for a Hallmark Store. Had my fill of cards...and beanie