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O/T ~ Sending Birthday Cards...

Do you send birthday cards to friends that you never get a birthday card from? Or, kind of like Christmas cards, just to the people you receive a card from?

Just wondering what others do. Thanks

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Re: O/T ~ Sending Birthday Cards...

I wouldn't send a card...but I would call and wish them a happy birthday instead.
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Re: O/T ~ Sending Birthday Cards...

i dont send birthday cards. i call them or send them a message via email or facebook.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: O/T ~ Sending Birthday Cards...

I send Birthday cards to my friends but they also send cards to me.

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Re: O/T ~ Sending Birthday Cards...

I love getting birthday cards and appreciate that someone takes the time to get a card, write a note, and put it in the mail. I send cards to friends whether they send me one or not. I just like sending them one. I think an email is inappropriate for a birthday wish.

We got far fewer Christmas cards this year and I think this is a trend. We got a lot of them computer-generated with no personal signature at all....sort of like the one from my insurance agent! I will not be sending as many this year.

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Re: O/T ~ Sending Birthday Cards...

Yes, I'm a life-long card and note sender. My mother was, too. But really I had a very close neighbor who was one of the most thoughtful people I've ever met. She remembered all the important dates in everyone's life. And she wasn't like this b/c she wanted or expected others to be the same. She just did it from her heart. I am this way in my life now, partly b/c of this woman. And sometimes, people close to me say things like, oh, thank you for the card, but I just am not good with remembering things, blah blah blah. I think sometimes ppl feel the need to tell me why they aren't like me in this way (siblings, primarily). And iim always taken aback by this. I remember ppl's important dates, I just do. And I like to acknowledge them. And I don't do it for a compliment (or an apology for NOT doing this). I just do it from my heart. A hand written note it card is a special thing, I think.Smiley Happy
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Re: O/T ~ Sending Birthday Cards...

I still send birthday cards even to some that do not know my birthday. If a friend mentions their birthdate, I note it and send a card. Getting less Christmas cards every year. People just stop sending. Also, so many have passed on.

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Re: O/T ~ Sending Birthday Cards...

Sadly, I'm of the generation that does everything on facebook or via email/text. {#emotions_dlg.sad} I am really the only person among my friends who actually sends cards on special occasions, and I do this knowing full well that the gesture will not be reciprocated.

I find that most people around my age can't even be bothered to pick up the phone and actually call you to wish you a happy birthday, much less send a heartfelt card. I most often receive birthday wishes via text, because I don't do facebook.

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Re: O/T ~ Sending Birthday Cards...

I used to but now they seem either unwanted or unappreciated. When I didn't hear a thing in return I stopped.

Then ecards seemed to be the thing and that lasted for awhile. I stopped sending them when the last ecard I received was unsigned/no note.

I mean seriously? Who is that thoughtless?

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Re: O/T ~ Sending Birthday Cards...

I send birthday cards to just family members. I send Christmas cards to both friends and family members whether they reciprocate or not.