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O/T: Question about grandchildren

My DH and I have been married for 6 years and we each have 2 adult sons. I get along very well with his sons and their wives. None of our sons have children yet.

Here's my question: When his sons have children, should I consider myself to be their grandmother? DH is divorced and his prior wife is also remarried. With all the blended families this is very confusing for me.

Have any of you had this experience? if so, what did you do/call yourself?


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Re: O/T: Question about grandchildren

I have not been blessed with grandchildren; however, my first concern would be to not step on any toes. Perhaps you can be "grammy" or another nic. ??

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea-Robert A. Heinlein
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Re: O/T: Question about grandchildren

Yes for the grandkids won't know any difference and it is important that all of the grandkids from both sides are treated the same........even though you are a blended family you are more importantly a FAMILY. Good luck on your future grand babies. .....
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Re: O/T: Question about grandchildren

Yes, you are "grandma __________."

I never had children but I have two adult stepchildren who both have children who have children.

They all call me Grandma _________. So, yes, it is okay.

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Re: O/T: Question about grandchildren


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Re: O/T: Question about grandchildren

Just let them do as many do and listen for their first words. Soon you will hear a reference that belongs to you. This is what they will probably refer to you for life.

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Re: O/T: Question about grandchildren

I would ask the parents of your future grandkids. My mom passed away and my dad is remarried but my kids don't call her grandma. They call her by her first name.

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Re: O/T: Question about grandchildren

It's really up to the grandkids' parents. My mother has step-grandchildren (their grandmother is deceased) and she is just called Jane. My father had step-grandchildren and he was just called John.

It's going to be different in each family and more complicated the more players are alive and in the mix.

But, it's not really about what you are called. It's really about what you bring to their lives.

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Re: O/T: Question about grandchildren

Yep dont force anything. They will naturally start calling you something. If they call you grandma then thats great if they start calling you something else that is also fine. Its just a name and all they will care about is the love you gjve them. My little niece used to call grandma mom because she couldnt say grandma yet. But her mom was always called mommy. She new the difference even when she just started to talk. The little ones will start calling you something on their own. Just go with the flow.
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Re: O/T: Question about grandchildren

Thanks for all your responses. My question really is not so much what they might call me but if I should consider them my grandchildren since they will be from my STEPsons.