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Re: O/T OK Something Bothers Me, So I'll Bring It Up

Hi there- First- I want to add that I loved Dans story- I truly love what animals bring out of humans-at first he was the hesitant one and in the end was writing a beautiful tribute to his beloved pet! Second- because I have gotten all 3 of my dogs from rescues -I understand the pull for rescues but many on this board are correct-that some ""rescues"" are not inviting -and honestly some leave a very bad feeling to potential adopters. For example- my first poodle boy came from a high kill run down city shelter. He is 9 now-he is the smartest-sweetest- all around good guy. He was a stinky mess at this shelter which was falling apart and completely no frills- but we knew that he belonged with us. His adoption $75. Second poodle boy- I found out there is a rescue about 4 hours from where I live that specializes in poodles. My family and our 1st poodle drove there -took our time and found our second poodle guy cowered in a corner with his 17 siblings. He literally was shell-shocked- this ""rescue"" is run out of a mobile home-is soo loud from all the barking- has very loving volunteers that took tbeir time with us.BUT the owner of this ""business"" is not a people person at all. She was just ready to collect the fee $300- we paid and quickly left with our new guy who was 5 years old at the time. Suprisingly the city shelter was easier and more pleasant to work with. The ""rescue's"" owner has a huge attitude problem- I have gotten the feeling from her if you ask for a reduced price on adoption 250 to 400$) you are questioned as to why-then she said to me ""well I can give you a ten year old dog for free"" I said ""im not looking for free"". I honestly have felt taht I have rescued my rescues from this place. I dont know but the dogs I have adopted have all been true blessings. I think rescues can mean well but bad rescues are not that great either. I just wish humans would be responsible and spay & Neuter their animals!!
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Re: O/T OK Something Bothers Me, So I'll Bring It Up

Q just had a shelter dog on the other day when they were showing pet toys and repeatedly said she was up for adoption and the shelter where you could inquire. I think that their use of shelter dogs was very encouraging.

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Re: O/T OK Something Bothers Me, So I'll Bring It Up

I also agree with going the adoption route. We got our Mellie the boxer from Boxer Rescue after losing our previous Boxer at a very young age. Mellie had a very horrible rough start in her life, but she is by far the best furbaby we have ever had. I think it's ok to get a puppy if that is what you really want, but let us not forget the seniors, neglected and abused ones also. They will bring you such joy.


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Re: O/T OK Something Bothers Me, So I'll Bring It Up

My husband and I have always had pure breed Goldens. I get so annoyed by people stating that we should adopt shelter dogs instead of supporting breeders. I agree that adopting shelter dogs is wonderful but we like pure bred Goldens. A lady I work with is always criticsizng me for my choice but she has a son. I often ask her why she didn't adopt one of the many orphaned children in this country. It's a choice!

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Re: O/T OK Something Bothers Me, So I'll Bring It Up

We have two is a tiny Yorkie (5lbs) who was at our local shelter with his two litter mates - rescued from a hoarding situation - he was about 1 year old when I got him , never trained, socialized, etc. Was afraid of my husband but bonded immediately with me and is now totally in love with my husband...two months later we got another rescue ("Baby") when she was about 4 months old from a local organization (terrier mixed with doxie) - she was a stray - they both have a few issues, but are just the best dogs...the Yorkie (Bogey) has never caught on to housebreaking so wears a diaper - think his rough start may have affected his brain development - he also had to have lots of teeth pulled, but he is just a love bug....the "dorkie" (doxie/Yorkie??) is the Alpha female - occasionally a bit growly with her "brother" and doesn't like to be held...but smartest dog we've ever had.. -

My husband has always said - no rescues - don't want someone else's problems....but he has totally changed his tune - loves these two as much as "his" dog, a Jack Russell that we had for 16 years.

I understand how some rescues can be intrusive, but I have to say my experiences were nothing but positive....

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Re: O/T OK Something Bothers Me, So I'll Bring It Up

I think there's love enough to go around. We have had rescue cats but now have a pure bred. We fell in love with his breed and want to see it continue. It won't if no one buys them. Breeders will dry up.

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Re: O/T OK Something Bothers Me, So I'll Bring It Up

I haven't read all of the responses, but I have 5 dogs and 4 have been rescues. From the little history we have gotten on all of them- they are all purebreds.

One of my Siberian Huskies was AKC registered- she was a surrender.

I have 3 rescued chihuahuas. My vet is pretty sure all are purebred. One is a reindeer, one is a teacup, one is a toy size. We adopted them at 9yo, 8yo, and 8mo old.

We love our middle aged chihuahua ladies!

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Re: O/T OK Something Bothers Me, So I'll Bring It Up

With all due respect, annabellethecat, and I do respect you, this piece was a highlight piece on Dan and I don't think we should expect the vendor (QVC) to have taken it any further. If we did, we'd expect them to get on just about everyone's soap box.

I recall something that occurred in the late 90s when I belong to an all-female non-profit organization. We had funds at the end of the year and wanted to donate to a "good cause." There was a great deal of discussion about where the funds should go. It came down to a local shelter for battered women and the foundation that grants wishes to children with graves illnesses. All of a sudden we found ourselves in a horrible battle of words and in the end, no one got the funds. Can you imagine??? I was furious, because I was on the board that year and planned to give them a piece of my mind (as in why not agree to 50-50?).

What I'm really getting at is that in my organization no one had the guts to get on their soap box and really, really make a case, plus no one on the other side had ears. In the case of QVC, they really don't want to get on a soap box, as they will alienate a portion of their purchasing public. I can just hear it now, "Why is the Q telling me to go to the pound to get a puppy?" Yes, I agree that that's a great thing to do, but can't see corporate embracing a mindset that approves of anything with the exception of something like post-9/11 contributions.

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Re: O/T OK Something Bothers Me, So I'll Bring It Up

Great post, Annabelle. My dogs now ONLY come from rescue and are pure bred. However, I once rescued a mixed breed stray who I had for over 15 years. She was a great dog. She was completely housebroken and had no bad habits, chewing, etc. I never understood why someone dumped her. Their loss, my absolute gain!
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Re: O/T OK Something Bothers Me, So I'll Bring It Up

Adopt don't shop!!! Animals aren't products and shouldn't be sold in stores. Whether you realize it or not you're helping support the pet trade industry when you make these choices. For every 1 animal purchased from a store, breeder(puppy mill) 2 animals die in a shelter. Please don't purchase pet items from a pet store like ,Petland who does sell animals from mills, because you're patronizing them to continue doing what they're doing. Please purchase pet supplies from a pet supply store. Don't patronize pet stores that don't do adoptions!!!! Petland is the worst!!!!!!! Don't believe me? Google it, youtube it. Pet auctions happen every Friday night..........