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Re: O/T: Nurses vs. MD -- when you're sick, do you have a preference?

I want to see a doctor. If I'm seeing a nurse practitioner, I think I should be charged a lower rate, but that's not how it works around here. They bill my insurance company under a doctor's name even though the doctor never showed his face in the examination room. I questioned this, and they said that's the way the insurance company says to do it.

In the past, I've checked in at the clinic and told them up front that I want to see a doctor, but by the time I get in the exam room, I'm told no doctor is available. If that's the case, patients should be told when they check in.

The last time I went in, I had a really bad ear infection. I had lost all hearing in one ear. The nurse practitioner told me to continue with over the counter meds and to come back in 5 days if I didn't see any improvement. When I returned after 5 days, I got to see the doctor who stated that I needed prescription meds and that I needed to have my ear drained. After the procedure, I felt so much better and wished I had gotten to see the doctor in the first place.

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Re: O/T: Nurses vs. MD -- when you're sick, do you have a preference?

I would say that up until about 10 years ago. I would have insisted on seeing a Doctor. In our head we are conditioned to believe that they have more knowledge, and I do believe in certain instances this to be a true statement.

Well several years ago I was really feeling awful, and trying to get in to see my doctor at the time was impossible because he was always booked up. I life in California and we have RNP's out her. I rememebr them asking me if I could see an RNP since I would be able to be seen immediately. When you are really sick, you really don't care who you are seen by. Well, let me tell you. She was wonderful, she listened to me carefully, took the time to fully review my record and I felt heard as a patient. From that moment on whenever I had to be seen, I always requested her. I changed jobs almost two years ago and had to change Insurance companies. I no longer see her, but I no longer have my nose in the air about who is better. I know see a DO, no this is a different kind of doctor then an M.D. she is a joy to be seen by as well.

I want to add a disclaimer that I have Asthma. If it's anything to do with breathing probelms I of course go and see my specialist who is a pulmonoligst. However, I belive for run of the mill illnesses there is nothing wrong with being seen by a nurse.

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Re: O/T: Nurses vs. MD -- when you're sick, do you have a preference?

If I am sick, I want a doctor. I have nothing against nurses, but there is a difference between diagnosing and the treatment options of a patient, then nursing afterwards.
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Re: O/T: Nurses vs. MD -- when you're sick, do you have a preference?

I see Jamica Jammer is at it again. Wish she would just give it a rest. Her friends/family who are becoming RN's after age 60. What a joke! Of course I wouldn't go to any of them. Two of her husbands were pharmacists? How many husbands has she gone through?

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Re: O/T: Nurses vs. MD -- when you're sick, do you have a preference?

Much prefer nurse practitioners.

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Re: O/T: Nurses vs. MD -- when you're sick, do you have a preference?

I'm a bit surprised by comments from people wanting to see ""a"" doctor or being fine with ""a"" NP or PA. Are you really not at all concerned about who you see?

If my doctor took on a partner - another doctor - I would not be OK with seeing that person any more than I would be fine seeing a NP or PA. I want to see MY doctor. The person who knows me & is familiar with my health & my preferences when it comes to healthcare.

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Re: O/T: Nurses vs. MD -- when you're sick, do you have a preference?

On 1/30/2014 JamicaJammer said:


Jamica, I find this incredible. You personally know "many" people who are returning to school for nursing dedgrees after the age of 60? Are you positive this is what they are going to school for? (Nothing against going to school during your "retirement", but, really . . nursing?)

-- pro-aging --

Rochester, New York
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Re: O/T: Nurses vs. MD -- when you're sick, do you have a preference?

I much prefer to see a nurse practitioner or physicians assistant when I need an appointment. They spend much more time with each patient.

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Re: O/T: Nurses vs. MD -- when you're sick, do you have a preference?

On 1/30/2014 Ranchergal said:
On 1/30/2014 serenity4ever said: If nurse practitioners were as well trained and competent as a physician why would anyone bother to spend years in med school, internships etc....they would just become a nurse. I think physicians have more training and when I go the doctor I refuse exams from nurse practitioners. I once was handed over to one when my physician was booked solid and she was incompetent and missed that I had pneumonia, which ended up my being hospitalized that evening.

Unless you're going on to be a specialist doctor I don't see the point of all that schooling. Nurse Practitioners and Physician's Assistants are taking over the medical field for routine medicine.

My point was that if I had been seen by a physician with an MD after his name, I could have been put on antibiotics immediately without having to be hospitalized that evening for pneumonia. It's about having the education to decipher serious illness when it is presenting and nurse practioners just don't have the same education as a physician.

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Re: O/T: Nurses vs. MD -- when you're sick, do you have a preference?

It would depend on what I need from the visit. If I just suspect a UTI or something simple like an earache or sinus stuff, I'm more than happy to see whoever can get me in the soonest.

But for my chronic conditions/continuing care and new problems - I want to see my regular physician. Not just any doctor - the same one who is familiar with my case.