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Re: O/T Dog Show 8 pm est on CNBC!

Darn. I was looking all over for this last night and couldn't find the channel. I even did a search on my cable guide and it didn't come up!

Personally, I'm partial to Boxers having been a boxer mom since 1990. {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

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Re: O/T Dog Show 8 pm est on CNBC!

Just read the Shih Tzu that won the toy group belongs to Patty Hearst.

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Re: O/T Dog Show 8 pm est on CNBC!

On 2/17/2015 LipstickDiva said:

Darn. I was looking all over for this last night and couldn't find the channel. I even did a search on my cable guide and it didn't come up!

Personally, I'm partial to Boxers having been a boxer mom since 1990. {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

I grew up with boxers and pitbulls. My parents have a five month old boxer who ripped up the floor in the mudroom Sunday! Hes very sweet, but hes determine to destroy the mudroom and the kitchen!
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Re: O/T Dog Show 8 pm est on CNBC!

On 2/16/2015 magemay said:
On 2/16/2015 WhateverLolaWants said:
On 2/16/2015 magemay said:

Lola, they're adorable!

Yay for the Shih Tzu and rooting for the Lhasa. Have one of each, curled up and fast asleep (one is snoring) next to me. They're my 'lil best in shows {#emotions_dlg.wub}

You're so right, magemay! We each have a Best In Show already!

Back in the 80's, the Yorkie Best of Breed winner, Ch. Shadow Mountain Sparrow Hawk, was the sire of my female's litter and we were watching him show in group on TV while she was carrying his pups. Talk about exciting!

Oh Wow, that must have been a pinch me, I can't believe it moment! How exciting!

They are my passion and every time I watch the shows or even see other dogs, I want more.

Our little shih tzu passed away 3 years ago at the age of 19. She was adopted at the age of 3. My husband took her passing so hard that he said absolutely no more.

A year after she passed and late one morning, I took some donations to our local shelter, walked in and our eyes met and knew I was in trouble. Took some pictures of a shaven-to-the-skin, black and white, rib showing little shih tzu boy and cried all the way home.

My husband remained steadfast until about 5pm and surprised me when he said "Well, let's go take a look."

We flew down there, I drove.... fast. Couldn't wait to get there, I was so afraid he may not be there when we arrived.

They brought him out to us, looked very serious and said, "We have something to tell you that you should know." My heart dropped. The woman said "He doesn't speak English." Oh my gosh did we laugh. He knew only Spanish!

He was 3 at the time, the same age as our Lhasa, who is now his best bud. And he speaks fluent English, and his hair grew in beautifully, so did his little pudgy tummy!

We're so happy he picked us.

magemay--your story just warmed my heart (and thankfully my whole body--bbbrrrr, it's cold here)! Smile

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Re: O/T Dog Show 8 pm est on CNBC!

Burmese Mountain Dog, Labs, Leonberger were beauties but Portuguese Water Dog probably will win Best in Show....cousins to Presidential dog, Sunny....oh well!
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Re: O/T Dog Show 8 pm est on CNBC!

On 2/16/2015 Kachina624 said: I tuned into the last 20 minutes of the Herding Group and was so disgusted at the winner, I turned it off. I'm not a fan of the A.K.C. anyway. I have a friend who's a collie breeder and there is so much prejudice against certain breeds, she rarely shows her dogs anymore. A.K.C. Judges have caused serious problems with collies by requiring/selecting dogs with abnormally small, almond-shaped eyes. Now collies have serious eye problems due to this. A.K.C. does more harm than good.
you're right. The AKC should and could be doing so much more for the health of dogs in this country. some breeding legislation would cure a lot of ills like all the predisposed genetic problems amongst the pure breds. It's an entirely different story in Europe where breeding is more closely controlled because it's about the health of the animal and not the human profit. but dog shows are still my guilty pleasure
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Re: O/T Dog Show 8 pm est on CNBC!

On 2/17/2015 stray770 said: Burmese Mountain Dog, Labs, Leonberger were beauties but Portuguese Water Dog probably will win Best in Show....cousins to Presidential dog, Sunny....oh well!

Burmese is a kitty breed, Bernese Mountain Dog (a.k.a "Berner") is the doggy breed. 8)

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Re: O/T Dog Show 8 pm est on CNBC!

Sorry auto correct!
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Re: O/T Dog Show 8 pm est on CNBC!

On 2/17/2015 stray770 said: Sorry auto correct!

Oh "DYAC!", lol. (Damm You Auto Correct!). Wink

No prob, Stray. 8)