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Re: No more Tova Signature ?


Once they changed the formula of her original fragrance, they ruined it. They kept marketing it as a the "original" but it wasn't. Sales likely suffered.

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Re: No more Tova Signature ?

"They" didn't change the formula of Signature.  It changed because of a shakeup in the perfume industry, and affected other perfume manufacturers as well.  Tova did her best with the new ingredients now available to her, but it wasn't the same. You can research this industry-wide change on the 'net. 

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Re: No more Tova Signature ?

[ Edited ]

@nrm wrote:

I am a devoted fan of Tova Signature as well as Platinum. I checked Tova’s website and it says that the Signature is “ coming soon”. Hopefully. That means that QVC will carry it. 

Hi @nrm ... I haven't checked Tova's website in quite some time but that "coming soon" has been up for the longest time.  Hope we don't have to wait much longer.

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Re: No more Tova Signature ?

I'm really concerned that Tova is not getting good sound business advice ever since Ernie passed away. She seems to be making a few bad decisions. Not ordering enough stock, putting her products on air at 2am in the middle of the night. Does she have a business manager? I know in the old days she would run the entire show out of her salon. She needs to get back to that sort of strategy, personalization. 

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Re: No more Tova Signature ?

I just want to add, that Jane Tracy was on a couple of weeks ago with Tova and Jane remarked how she always was known as the Body, Mind and Spirit girl and how she misses that fragrance. Tova mentioned that the fragrance is coming back early next year. So I bet that is when Signature will be returning too.

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Re: No more Tova Signature ?

@Reever wrote:

I'm really concerned that Tova is not getting good sound business advice ever since Ernie passed away. She seems to be making a few bad decisions. Not ordering enough stock, putting her products on air at 2am in the middle of the night. Does she have a business manager? I know in the old days she would run the entire show out of her salon. She needs to get back to that sort of strategy, personalization. 

I think it is QVC's choice as to the time of her shows (and all shows).  I also feel QVC has pushed her line back behind many of the newer vendors.  She had such wonderful fragrances, skin care and color cosmetics years ago.


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Re: No more Tova Signature ?

[ Edited ]

@Boehm Collector I checked her website today and it’s back !!!  Great news for us Tova lovers! The only one missing is the Platinum. 

I saw Tova and Jane very briefly the other day and they mentioned that QVC would have some new things the first of the year. Very good news,indeed!

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Re: No more Tova Signature ?

@nrm wrote:

@Boehm Collector I checked her website today and it’s back !!!  Great news for us Tova lovers! The only one missing is the Platinum. 

I saw Tova and Jane very briefly the other day and they mentioned that QVC would have some new things the first of the year. Very good news,indeed!

Wow!  That's great news!  Thanks @nrm!!

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Re: No more Tova Signature ?

I hope to see more Tova SIgnature on the QVC site, the prices were amazing and I always get so many compliments. QVC can you let us know if you will contiue to handle Tova?  Thank you.

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Re: No more Tova Signature ?

I know I miss her , She is such a sweet lady , I loved the body ,mind and spirit fragrance and the cactine stuff.

cathy from ma