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@shy bobcat wrote:

@GingerHead wrote:


Just wanted to say, I know we all have our sensitivities (I totally get it) but....from what I see you have lovely arms, gorgeous skin and cute veins.


You should see mine they stick out like ropes, they always have, I'm a phlebotomist's dream! haha



@GingerHead  ... "I'm a phlebotomist's dream!"   I'm the opposite, being a phlebotomist's nightmare!  It's always a huge challenge for me and the lab techs to draw my blood ... Ugg!

@SandySparkles  I do understand your concern and have seen some helpful responses to your question.  I hope you're able to find a product  that works well for you.

@shy bobcat Welcome!🥰 I am HOPING so as well, and see a  VERY promising recommendation!💝👍


THANK you SO much for caring to share your kind words of support!🤗


~~~All we need is LOVE💝 

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Posts: 7,612
Registered: ‎06-13-2010


@Puggywuggy wrote:
You are correct in saying that we are our own worst critics, but seriously, as others have mentioned your arms look lovely! People will only notice your kindness and positivity. I wish you well, whatever you decide to do. My arms are scarred and my veins in one arm are quite prominent from donating blood, no one notices.

@Puggywuggy Welcome!🥰 I SO appreciate your kind words and can relate to your post because my right arm has a vein that has been used for MANY blood draws because it was  "dependable"!😊 You would have to be BLIND to miss it, but it was overused and is now is QUITE prominent! That one is not an issue for me..😁


The PROBLEM child is fairly large one me in my left upper arm that stands out when I wear light colors.😐 It never really bothered me before, but is now on my radar and I find myself glancing at it often when I wear short sleeves! I just knew one of our knowledgeable posters would be able to help!💝


THANK you SO much for caring to share your kind words of support with me today!🤗


~~~All we need is LOVE💖

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 7,612
Registered: ‎06-13-2010

Re: Need Makeup Advice.🥰

[ Edited ]


@AngelPuppy1 wrote:



From the picture, it does not look bad at all.  But I understand your concerns.  I have really blue veins on the inside of my arms and on my hands, plus other not so nice looking things since I've gotten older and also because I have several skin conditions.  I don't wear any short sleeves out in public any more. I'm just too self-conscious!  I have tried the Laura Geller Body Frosting Powder before and it is a nice product but it will rub off.  It's a nice quick product which washes off when you want it to and is not a pain to deal with like sunless tanning products.  I still use a bit of it occasionally on the lower part of my legs when I wear capri pants if I feel like I want to cover this part of my legs a bit.  Good luck.  I hope you find something that makes you feel better about this.  

@AngelPuppy1 Welcome!🥰 I think mine is age related as well because I am no spring yard bird, but was aging well until THIS year!😁 This is another AWESOME suggestion!💝 I do not mind aging as it is a BLESSING to be able to do so, but sometimes the old barn can use a fresh coat of paint!😄


THANK you SO much for caring to share yet another GREAT suggestion!🤗


~~~All we need is LOVE💖