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Registered: ‎03-15-2010

My look terrible today! Was is worth it?

I am on a special diet per my dietitian.  I have food allergies, intolerances and sensitives.


I am usually very good about following the diet (even though I hate it)  Well, last night I made the choice to 'cheat' just a little bit.  Of course nothing that would threaten my life or send me to the hospital.


I thought I was fine.........


This morning I woke up, went in to wash my face and I was shocked.  I look years older.

My eyes are SO hooded and creepy.  My dark under eye circles (that completely disappeared while on the diet) are back.  I look like the before photo on a skin care demo.  I can not believe how awful I look!!!  It took me a few minutes to figure it all out.  I was after I noticed my joint pain has returned that I put it all together.  

I MUST remember to never 'cheat' before a big event!!

Respected Contributor
Posts: 2,309
Registered: ‎10-15-2010

Re: My look terrible today! Was is worth it?

So sorry about that. I hope that you look and feel better soon.


I can't eat dairy because I either breakout, get a rash or both. Sometimes I cheat and it's ok and then sometimes it's really bad. I had a really bad rash all over my face a few weeks ago that kept me indoors for a week. 


Try to find alternatives that you can eat instead. I'm now using soy based cheese from Trader Joe's. 

~Live with Intention~
Posts: 22
Registered: ‎03-05-2011

Re: My look terrible today! Was is worth it?

I totally understand.  I think sometimes it is more about the 'control' factor and not being able to have the 'choice'.  I have a very restricted diet and I pay physically when and if I 'cheat', so I can really relate.  But sometimes it is just worth it to dive in and indulge.  I figure I only live once and sometimes I just want to 'remember' and enjoy what's been taken from me.  So don't be too hard on yourself.  Know you're not alone and the side affects will dissapate. Please take good care of yourself emotionally.  Give yourself a well earned 'hug'.