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It looks GREAT!!


A year ago my stylist gave me a haircut that was much too short; I think she left maybe 2 inches of it on my head. I was agast when I saw it but what can you do? You can't pick it up from the floor and glue it back on the ends so I just let it go.


I also decided to let it grow for a year and see what it would look like.


The year has gone by and my hair looked bad; dead ends and dried out hair. But the color was amazing; most of my hair is silver with some interesting white streaks. 


Yesterday I finaly got it cut (by the same person). It was such a relief to finally get all the bad hair off and leave the good hair on. And she gave me the cut I wanted: it's about neck length (and intend to grow it longer because I miss the pony tail I used to have) and a medium length bob. Very simple and easy to take care of. And because of the length and style, I won't have to go back every 6 weeks; 2 months or maybe even more will be all that I need.


My health has been a problem recently and now I know my hair will look nice and I won't have to fuss over it/wrestle it into place...while I'm trying to deal with a liver that's on the verge of collapse.

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Nothing better than a good hair cut.  The color sounds very pretty.

Prayers for your health.    Easy care is a prioity when dealing with health issues.


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Good hair days are a must for one's self esteem.  I'm glad you're so happy with it.  I know I have a good haircut when I can wake up in the morning, floof it with my fingers and it looks great Smiley Happy   I'm sorry to read about your liver issue Smiley Sad  

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Look into Milk Thistle for your liver.


The liver is an organ capable of regenerating itself.

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I love when my hair looks good.  Mine is shoulder length and I too just got a trim and color and low lights.  I need my ponytail too because when I run and workout, I cannot have that hair on my neck.  Mine just gets thicker as I get older.  My mom's did too.  My dad is 98 and has a full head of white hair...



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@bmorechick wow, you're lucky! Most people's hair thins as they get older. 

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Im so glad you finally have the style you wanted and are happy with.  The color does sound very pretty too.

Prayers and well wishes with you through your illness.💝🌸

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A great haircut certainly boosts your spirits GoneButNotForgotten!

Many prayers sent your way for a speedy recovery!!!

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@GoneButNotForgotten I kept my hair at my shoulders when I sat with my mother.    It was easy to style and  easy to take care of.  WE would often end up at the hospital as she had congestive heart failure and renal failure so fluid would send us to the ER at all hours.   Enjoy your crowning glory!!!

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@Texasmouse  Thanks to my mom, dad and grandmoms...they all had wild thick hair into their 90s