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Posts: 163
Registered: ‎06-01-2012

My Hope in a Jar has turned to soup!

I have 2/3 left of the BIG container of Hope in a Jar. The past month and a half has been brutally hot here in SE Massachusetts & I don't have air conditioning.

I noticed last month that the cream was getting "loose" or thinner, then it totally separated. I assumed it was because of the weather & would stir it up, then use it. Seemed to work the same and still smelled the same.

It started becoming messy, so I finally just put it in the refrigerator. It has set up nicely and I take it out, use it, & put it back in fridge because I worry that since it separated ( liquid on top, solid under, which I mixed back together), it may not survive being brought back to room temp now that fall is coming.

As I said, it seems to work the same, smell the same, & I use it and love it stll. I was just curious if this has happened to anyone else? I Googled it before I put the jar in the fridge but could find nothing.

Thanks in advance!