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I don't pay attention to people's feet.  I just don't notice that.  But my husband has great feet and I would never think to tell him he can't wear open footware.  How terrible in places where it gets hot!


I had never heard the term wife-beater shirt until the last few years.  I don't know what part of the country where that came from.


If feet bother you, don't look down. . . 

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@SilleeMee wrote:

I'm a real phobe. I don't like seeing anyone in open-toe or sandal footwear in public places. The ground beneath our feet is gross enough. When you trot around in semi-bare feet, I think that's even more gross. So I say keep all feet covered up where people are going to see your feet, except for at the beach or poolside.



@SilleeMee.....but that would eliminate over 2/3 of my summer shoes...sandals, gladiators, peep toes, etc.


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Re: wife beater shirts. I’m pretty sure in the movie w/ Marlon Brando where he yells “Stella”, he’s wearing that type of tank top. Having a senior moment & can’t remember name of movie. 😏

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I don't want to have to see the feet at all! Woman Tongue



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@SilleeMee wrote:

I don't want to have to see the feet at all! Woman Tongue




@SilleeMee   Lol

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To each his own on what footwear you choose to wear - men and women both!


As for the “wife beater” term that has some undies in a bundle on here....if you’ve ever seen the show “Cops” you know that every domestic abuse call the cops showed up to had the man wearing the typical white tank commonly worn under a button down shirt by men.  Hence the name “wife beater” given to this style tank top. Not worth another thing to be offended over. 🙄😏 (And no, you don't need to live in this type of “area” to be aware of this term. Ugh!!)

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@CatsyCline wrote:



"Streetcar Named Desire, A" Wardrobe test for Marlon Brando 1951 Warner Brothers / **I.V.

@CatsyCline    Oh thank you. It would have driven me nuts all day and eventually Googled it. 💕

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@CatsyCline wrote:



"Streetcar Named Desire, A" Wardrobe test for Marlon Brando 1951 Warner Brothers / **I.V.



I've always heard those called 'muscle shirts'...or just tank tops. Never heard it called 'wifebeater'...what an aweful word and a graphic one at that.

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I went to dinner a few times with a man and had a lovely time.  The next time we saw each other was for a casual lunch, he wore sandals.  That was it for me.  I never accepted another invitation from him again.