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It took me a minute to realize it was her!!! I think she looked better before PS. She had too much done. Just my observation
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I think it's the hair color...this was mentioned the last time she was on. 

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Wasn't there a thread like this on her last visit to Evine?  

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Sorry If this has been discussed before.I'm not on the forum very often
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I thought the same thing. I thought someone was filling in for her when I first saw her. She looks like she went to Joan Rivers’ doctor. I haven’t seen some of her recent shows so not sure if this is new but it is definitely an unnatural look for her. 

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I haven't seen her for a very long time and wasn't sure it was her, but I recognized the voice.  The only thing that matters is that she's happy with the results.

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I   think it's  her hair color, we were used to  seeing her with dark hair, now with lighter hair,  it throws you at first. 

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Manuella addresed the issue already...


she has grown her hair longer then it ever has been and is lightening it to help cover and blend in the greys....


she also sometimes wears makeup and other times does not.  I do not think she has had any work done on her face. She looks the same to me, but , just wearing makeup today this visit.

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I think she looks the same to me, too. Lighter hair color and some nice makeup makes her look younger to me. She looks good.Woman Happy

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Wow. I didn’t recognize her! She looks great, but not like herself at all. And it isn’t just her hair color.